

我的两个办公室和家里的电脑让Git的Bash for Windows的非常相同的源(GIT适用于Windows,与TortoiseGit来了),但混帐击的提示不同,在两台机器上:

Both my office and home computers have Git Bash for Windows from the very same source (Git for Windows, that came with TortoiseGit), but Git Bash's prompt differs on both machines:

  • / C /路(支)全绿(这是,我怎么想它有),

  • 家用电脑上我唯一路径(没有分支)和全白。

  • on office computer I have /c/path (branch) all green (this is, how I would like it to have),
  • on home computer I have only path (no branch) and all white.

到现在为止,我被告知,这是 PS1 变量,保存在〜/ .bashrc中文件。然而,在两台机器上,该文件丢失(执行记事本的〜/ .bashrc 打开记事本为空)。

Up until now I was told, that this is PS1 variable, kept in ~/.bashrc file. However, on both machines, this files is missing (executing notepad ~/.bashrc opens up empty Notepad).

我在这里丢失。如果〜/ .bashrc中不存在,那么从那里的Git Bash的知道,它应该显示当前分支,在一个绿色的提示?而为什么同样没有第二台机器上发生的?

I'm lost here. If ~/.bashrc doesn't exists, then from where Git Bash "knows", that it should display current branch, in a green prompt? And why the same doesn't happen on second machine?

修改我也试过来比较 C:\\ Program Files文件\\的Git \\等\\ 两台机器和内容文件夹的内容的的Git Bash.vbs 文件。有两台计算机上都是相同的,所以我更不知道,怎么会这样,那混帐击的提示不同的两台计算机上(以及如何解决这一问题)。

EDIT: I also tried to compare c:\Program Files\Git\etc\ folder contents for both machines and contents of Git Bash.vbs file. There identical on both computers so I even more have no idea, how it can be, that Git Bash's prompt differs on both computers (and how to fix this).

若干答案(如,的和)曾建议我,我应该寻找 .bash_profile中 .bash_prompt 文件。不幸的是,这两个还缺少我的两个计算机上。

Several answers (like this, this and this) has suggested me, that I should look for .bash_profile and .bash_prompt files. Unfortunately, these two also are missing on both my computers.

究竟是什么文件决定有关在Windows 7下?还有什么地方我应该寻找,什么 PS1 变量的值应该是,已显示出当前分支中的绿色提示在两台机器上?

Exactly what file decides about that under Windows 7? Where else should I look for, and what PS1 variable's value should be, to have current branch shown in green prompt on both machines?


混帐Windows上几乎总是使用bash shell的。所以,这不是混帐的设置提示的多达猛砸一样。

Git on Windows almost always uses a bash shell. So, it's not Git setting the prompt as much as Bash does.

有两种方法设置提示的猛砸。一个是 PS1 命令,它是相当灵活的,但被限制在一组特定的转义字符序列。遗憾的是,Git的信息是不是这些转义序列之一(虽然我怀疑它会来的一天)。您可以使用第二种方式通过设置 PROMPT_COMMAND 环境变量设置提示。如果这样设置,则 $ PROMPT_COMMAND 被执行,作为提示,而不是 PS1 环境变量。

There are two ways to set prompts in Bash. One is the PS1 command which is fairly flexible, but is limited to a particular set of escape character sequences. Unfortunately, Git information isn't one of those escape sequences (although I suspect it'll come someday). You can use the second way to set the prompt by setting the PROMPT_COMMAND environment variable. If this is set, the $PROMPT_COMMAND is executed and used as the prompt instead of the PS1 environment variable.

当您使用bash安装标准的Git,你的Git提示的 / etc / profile文件文件下定义。顺便说一句,是你已经安装在Git的下一个目录通常是在%PROGRAMFILES%除非你当你安装的Git改变了它。

When you install the standard Git with BASH, you're Git prompt is defined under the /etc/profile file. By the way, etc is a directory under where you've installed Git which is usually under %PROGRAMFILES% unless you changed it when you installed Git.

/ etc / profile文件脚本线#156在我的版本,可以看到 PS1 命令是设置并使用 $(__ git_ps1) $ PS1 在命令提示符下执行外部命令的手段。 (第三种方法我没有提到previously)。

Under the /etc/profile script in line #156 in my version, you see the PS1 command being set and using $(__git_ps1) in $PS1 as a means of executing an external command in the prompt. (A third way I didn't mention previously).

__ git_ps1 是一个外壳的功能。您还会注意到位以上(在我的版本线#154)的 /etc/git-completion.bash 中以及被作为源 /etc/git-prompt.sh 。这是 /etc/git-prompt.sh 定义 __ git_ps1 功能(Line在我的版本#273)的定义。你会发现,在 __ git_ps1 功能在 /etc/git-prompt.sh 定义了几个其他功能拉。

The __git_ps1 is a shell function. You'll also notice a bit above (line #154 in my version) that /etc/git-completion.bash is being sourced in as well as /etc/git-prompt.sh. It's /etc/git-prompt.sh that defines the __git_ps1 function (Line #273 in my version) is defined. You'll notice that the __git_ps1 function pulls in several other functions defined in /etc/git-prompt.sh.

所以,在一个非常鲁贝戈德堡方式,Git的提示正在 / etc / profile文件通过定义 $ PS1 这拉在 /etc/git-prompt.sh 定义,在一个拉 __ git_ps1 功能 __ git_ps1_show_upstream 函数和 __ git_ps1_colorize_gitstring 功能。然后, $ PS1 使用 $(...)字符串作为 __ git_ps1 功能分为 PS1

So, in a very Rube Goldberg manner, the Git prompt is being defined in /etc/profile via defining $PS1 which pulls in /etc/git-prompt.sh which defines a __git_ps1 function that pulls in the __git_ps1_show_upstream function and the __git_ps1_colorize_gitstring function. Then, $PS1 uses the $(...) string as part of pulling in the __git_ps1 function into PS1.

您可以定义自己的 $ HOME / .bash_profile中覆盖提示设置来定义自己的提示方式。而且,当你这样做,你也可以使用 __ git_ps1 bash函数在自己的提示。

You can define your own $HOME/.bash_profile to override the way the prompt is set to define your own prompt. And, when you do that, you can also use the __git_ps1 Bash function in your own prompt.


Or, you can simply decide not to touch anything, and just back away very slowly. After all, you may have actual work to do.


08-23 01:47