


Does MvvmCross support a cross platform solution for displaying alerts or popups?


Searching the code I found MvxDialogActivityView but it has been commented out. Will this remain the case for now?

如果没有直接支持,您如何建议最好做这件事? (也许ViewModel会更改属性并调用FirePropertyChanged,以便View能够意识到它并显示警报.)

If there is no direct support how would you suggest this is best done? (Perhaps the ViewModel would change a property and call FirePropertyChanged so that the View would be aware of it and show an alert.)



What I am trying to do for this specific case is as follows:On the page a button is clicked, which causes a method to run in the ViewModel which does an evaluation to determine which of two messages should be shown to the customer. The message would be shown as an alert or popup (either native, or preferably totally styled by me). The message would fade after (the click of the OK button, or preferably 3 seconds).


After the message has been dismissed a new page will be navigated too (depending on which of the two messages was shown).



How to handle this definitely depends on what the situation is - there's no single best rule (IMHO)

对于一般的错误显示模式,请在中提出一项建议. http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/one-pattern-for-error-handling-in.html

For a general error display pattern, there's one proposal at http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/one-pattern-for-error-handling-in.html


I've used similar patterns for showing application level notifications - e.g. for when a long running operation completes or when a chat message arrives or...

关于如何显示消息框的一篇有趣的帖子是: http://awkwardcoder.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/showing-message-box-from-viewmodel-in.html -我不确定我是否会完全遵循最终解决方案,但是绝对有一些关于不该做的好点.

One interesting post about how to display message boxes was: http://awkwardcoder.blogspot.co.uk/2012/03/showing-message-box-from-viewmodel-in.html - I'm not sure I'd completely follow the end solution, but there are definitely some good points there about what not to do.


For your updated scenario, I would consider using a messenger (like TinyMessenger) or using normal C# events exposed by the ViewModel and consumed by its View


I would implement this using an ICommand bound to the button Click/Tap/TouchDown


I would definitely implement the logic within a Service


This would be called from the ViewModel - and the result/decision would probably cause some property or private field state change.


How does the View then decide to show a message? I can think of 3 options:

  1. 视图仅可以响应属性更改(普通Mvvm INPC)-这是我的偏好
  2. ViewModel可能会公开一个普通的C#事件,它会触发...
  3. ViewModel可以发送消息


This last option (Messenging) is probably the most flexible solution here - it decouples the View and ViewModel in case you later decide to change responsibilities. To implement messenging, either:


This is a View concern - so would be entirely controlled by the View project. I'd use controls like: UIAlert, Toast, ToastPrompt, etc - all of which can be styled


I'd use some form of Code Behind (or maybe a Behaviour in WP7) in the View. This would detect the click/fade/disappear and would then invoke either an ICommand (my preference) or public method on the ViewModel


This navigation would be requested from the ViewModel


This would be easy to track through the above flow... presumably the ViewModel already knows what to show.


So that's what I'd do...


...but I'm sure there are other options :)


One final note... the fade out and then navigate logic can really get "messed up" by Switching/Tombstoning on WP7 and Android - this may or may not matter for your particular scenario.
