


What is the difference between web reference and service reference in WCF?Which is preferable in WCF?


这里的低级别的答案是,一个Web引用将创建一个客户端代理类,允许您的code去跟那个被描述Web服务通过WSDL并通过SOAP通信或HTTP GET(其他海报指出,这只是ASMX,而且Web引用也可以与基于Java的Web服务和基于Python或Ruby,只要他们都谈WSDL和符合WS-我的互操作性标准)。

The low-level answer here is that a Web Reference will create a client proxy class that allows your code to talk to a Web Service that is described via WSDL and communicates via SOAP or HTTP GET (other posters indicate that it is only ASMX, but Web References can also talk to Java-based Web Services or Python-based or Ruby so long as they all talk WSDL and conform to the WS-I interoperability standard).


A Service Reference will create a client proxy class that communicates with a WCF-based service : regardless of whether that WCF service is a Web Service or not.


08-04 08:53