在perl/python中,DBI API具有一种可以安全地将参数插值到sql查询的机制.例如,在python中,我会这样做:
In perl/python DBI APIs have a mechanism to safely interpolate in parameters to an sql query. For example in python I would do:
cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM table WHERE value > ?", (5,))
Where the second parameter to the execute method is a tuple of parameters to add into the sql query
Is there a similar mechanism for R's DBI compliant APIs? The examples I've seen never show parameters passed to the query. If not, what is the safest way to interpolate in parameters to a query? I'm specifically looking at using RPostgresSQL.
出于完整性考虑,我将基于Hadley的评论添加一个答案. DBI软件包现在具有功能sqlInterpolate
开头.摘录自以下 DBI手册
Just for completeness, I'll add an answer based on Hadley's comment. The DBI package now has the function sqlInterpolate
which can also perform this. It requires a list of function arguments to be named in the sql query that all must start with a ?
. Excerpt from the DBI manual below
sql <- "SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = ?name"
sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "Hadley")
# This is safe because the single quote has been double escaped
sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "H'); DROP TABLE--;")
这篇关于在R DBI中传递参数以进行查询的正确方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!