


I'd like to know whether it is possible to get a reference to the ejb3 local business interfaces inside the jca adapter?

资源适配器和ejb .jar 被打包到相同的 .ear 。应用程序在带有ejb3要素包的WebSphere AS 6.1下运行。

Resource adapter and ejb .jar are packed into the same .ear. Application is running under WebSphere AS 6.1 with ejb3 featurepack.

我试图使用 ejblocal:< full_class_name_of_local_interface> 作为JNDI名称,但没有成功。

I have tried to use ejblocal:<full_class_name_of_local_interface> as JNDI name, but without success.


你要做的事情可能是概念错误 。 JCA适配器不应该依赖于EJB - JCA适配器不应该查找EJB。

What you are trying to do is probably conceptually wrong. JCA adapter should not depend on EJB -- a JCA adapter should not lookup an EJB.

但JCA适配器适用于入站出站连接。使JCA连接器与EJB(入站连接)通信的正确方法是通过消息驱动bean( MDB )进行通信。

But JCA adapters work for inbound and outbound connectivity though. The right way to have a JCA connector communicate with an EJB (inbound connectivity), it through message driven bean (MDB).

  1. JCA适配器定义了一个用于通信的接口。

  2. 然后,自定义MDB可以实现此接口,并可以从适配器接收入站请求。


I agree that in this case the name "message-driven bean" is a bit misleading. The custom MDB is really like an EJB and receive calls from the JCA connector. It's not necessary related to message nor asynchronous processing. If you want the custom MDB can then lookup or have other EJB inject to delegate the processing.


The best doc to look at is "Creating Resource Adapter with J2EE Connector Architecture 1.5". It gives an example for inbound and outbound connectivity. The corresponding code can be found in the J2EE samples which come with the SDK.


07-05 05:33