

我通过数据透视跟踪器API收到了这样的格式化日期字符串: 2012/06/05 17:42:29 CEST

I'm receiving a formatted date string like this via the pivotal tracker API: "2012/06/05 17:42:29 CEST"


I want to convert this string to a UTC datetime object, it looks like python-dateutil does not recognize that timezone, pytz doesn't know it either.


I fear my best bet is to replace CEST in the string with CET, but this feels very wrong. Is there any other way to parse summer time strings to UTC datetime objects I couldn't find?

# -> pytz.exceptions.UnknownTimeZoneError: 'CEST'
dateutil.parser.parse("2012/06/05 17:42:29 CEST")
# -> datetime.datetime(2012, 6, 5, 17, 42, 29)


After thinking about it again subtracting one hour is completely false as the corresponding timezone is also currently in summer time, the issue of parsing still stands


没有实际的 CEST 时区。使用欧洲/巴黎欧洲/柏林欧洲/布拉格(或另一个)根据您所在的地区:

There is no real CEST timezone. Use Europe/Paris, Europe/Berlin or Europe/Prague (or another one) according to your region:

>>> pytz.country_timezones('de')

>>> pytz.country_timezones('fr')

他们(目前)完全相同,并且在夏天都指的是 CEST

They are (currently) identical and all referring to CEST in summer.

>>> dateutil.parser.parse("2012/06/05 17:42:29 CEST").astimezone(pytz.utc)
datetime.datetime(2012, 6, 5, 15, 42, 29, tzinfo=<UTC>)


07-05 04:33