

我有一个数组数组,该数组是使用 SQLAlchemy 从数据库查询中获得的,我想做两件事。

I have an array of arrays which I get from a database query using SQLAlchemy and I want to do two things.

  • 我想获取列的名称(或类似从表中选择 SELECT fullname AS name n'surname 之类的东西)。

  • I想要将最终产品转换为对象的json数组,以便可以在前端使用它。

  • I want to get the name of the columns (or something like SELECT fullname AS "name n' surname" from table).
  • I want to convert the final product to a json array of objects, so that I can use it on the front-end.


I have searched several hours and couldn't find an answer that works for my case.


Here is the line of code querying the database and storing it in results variable:

results = session.query(categories.categoryname, products.pack, products.price, products.checkstate).join(products).all()

这是 print的输出(结果)

如果我使用 json .dump(results)我明白了:


Now to be more specific, what I'm trying to end up with is this:



You can simply loop through your list of tuples to create dictionaries, which then can be converted to a JSON. Something like this:

import json

data = [('chocolate', '3', 5, False), ('chocolate', '5', 7, False), ('chocolate', '10', 10, False), ('honey', '3', 5, False), ('honey', '5', 7, False), ('honey', '10', 10, False), ('candy', '3', 5, False), ('candy', '5', 7, False), ('candy', '10', 10, False)]

list = [{"pack": x[0], "pack": x[1], "price": x[2], "checkstate": x[3]} for x in data]



08-29 01:54