


In the diagram below you can see a simplified version of what I'm trying to do. I have to track the location of certain items, but I also have to efficiently retrieve the latest location of any given item. The simplest way of doing this, would be to query ItemLocationLog and search for the latest date for that item, but since this table is bound to be very large, I'm wondering whether this would be efficient (I guess indexing dateTime field would help, but I don't have the experience to determine just how much).


Another approach I thought about would be to add a foreign key for the log table on Item (as is shown in the diagram with the field "lastLocation"), which would always point to the latest log entry and it would thus spare me the search. Yet another option would be to add a foreign key to Location on Item and update it every time a log entry is added for any given item.


I'm sure that this is a common problem with a simple solution, but since I've had no experience with this, I'm skeptical about my own approaches. What are the best practices for this type of scenarios? Is it ok to add references to the Item table in order to avoid a costly query, or is the query trivial enough that I should just obtain this information from the log table itself?



As a matter of principle, only include redundancies in your model if you have measured the performance, determined the actual bottleneck and concluded the denormalization would actually help (enough to offset the risk of data corruption).

这不会在你的情况下,奇怪的是。 B树索引如何工作的一个特点是搜索MAX基本上与搜索精确值一样快。

Which it won't in your case, curiously enough. One peculiarity of how B-Tree indexes work is that searching for MAX is essentially as fast as searching for exact value. You might have a little bit of a boost from better caching if INT is smaller than DATETIME on your DBMS, but not much.

索引是非常强大,如果做得对。并且索引 ItemLocationLog {idItem,dateTime} 应该方便快速地 SELECT MAX(dateTime)FROM ItemLocationLog WHERE idItem =?

Indexing is very powerful, if done right. And index on ItemLocationLog {idItem, dateTime}should facilitate lightning-fast SELECT MAX(dateTime) FROM ItemLocationLog WHERE idItem = ?.


Take a look at Use The Index, Luke! for a nice introduction on the topic.


09-05 01:02