与控制器 - 如在文档中提到的功能,我返工我的控制器,以满足他们建议语法中的沿继。但我不知道如何注入$ http服务进入我的搜索()函数,并在某种程度上,这将是从缩小安全吗?
customer.RequestCtrl =功能(){
this.person = {};
this.searching = FALSE;
this.selectedInstitute = NULL;
this.query = NULL;
this.institutes = NULL;
};customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search =功能(){
this.searching = TRUE;
this.selectedInstitute = NULL;
$ HTTP({方法:GET,网址:'/ API /机构',则params:{Q:this.query,最大:250}})
this.searching = FALSE;
this.institutes =数据;
this.searching = FALSE;
this.institutes = NULL;
customer.RequestCtrl =功能($ HTTP){
this.person = {};
this.searching = FALSE;
this.selectedInstitute = NULL;
this.query = NULL;
this.institutes = NULL;
这$ HTTP = $ HTTP。 //或者可能与_ preFIX this._http = $ HTTP;
}; 。customer.RequestCtrl $注射='$ HTTP']; //明确标注 customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search =功能(){
这个$ HTTP({方法:GET,网址:'/ API /机构',则params:{Q:this.query,最大:250}})
(功能(客户){ 变量$ httpSvc; customer.RequestCtrl =功能($ HTTP){
this.person = {};
this.searching = FALSE;
this.selectedInstitute = NULL;
this.query = NULL;
this.institutes = NULL;
$ httpSvc = $ HTTP;
}; customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search =功能(){
$ httpSvc({方法:GET,网址:'/ API /机构',则params:{Q:this.query,最大:250}})
}; angular.module(应用),控制器('RequestCtrl',['$ HTTP,customer.RequestCtrl]);})(顾客);
Following along with the controller-as feature mentioned in the docs, I'm reworking one of my controllers to match the syntax they suggested. But I'm not sure how to inject the $http service into my search() function, and in a way that will be safe from minification?
customer.RequestCtrl = function () {
this.person = {};
this.searching = false;
this.selectedInstitute = null;
this.query = null;
this.institutes = null;
customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search = function() {
this.searching = true;
this.selectedInstitute = null;
$http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/institutes', params: {q: this.query, max: 250}})
.success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
this.searching = false;
this.institutes = data;
.error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
this.searching = false;
this.institutes = null;
Just inject in your controller constructor, and you can attach it to the instance as a property just like any other property.
customer.RequestCtrl = function ($http) {
this.person = {};
this.searching = false;
this.selectedInstitute = null;
this.query = null;
this.institutes = null;
this.$http = $http; //Or probably with _ prefix this._http = $http;
customer.RequestCtrl.$inject = ['$http']; //explicit annotation
customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search = function() {
this.$http({method: 'GET', url: '/api/institutes', params: {q: this.query, max: 250}})
Another way would be add a variable and run your controller defenision in an IIFE.
var $httpSvc;
customer.RequestCtrl = function ($http) {
this.person = {};
this.searching = false;
this.selectedInstitute = null;
this.query = null;
this.institutes = null;
$httpSvc = $http;
customer.RequestCtrl.prototype.search = function() {
$httpSvc({method: 'GET', url: '/api/institutes', params: {q: this.query, max: 250}})
angular.module('app').controller('RequestCtrl', ['$http', customer.RequestCtrl]);