When I run the following code, it slowly eats up my memory and even starts using swap:
long long length = 1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull * 2ull; // 2 GB
db = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length];
char *array = [db mutableBytes];
for(long long i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
array[i] = i % 256;
如果我运行它没有循环,根本没有使用内存: / p>
If I run it without the for cycle no memory is used at all:
long long length = 1024ull * 1024ull * 1024ull * 2ull;
db = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length];
char *array = [db mutableBytes];
/* for(long long i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
array[i] = i % 256;
} */
I can only conclude that NSMutableData is only "reserving" memory and when it is accessed then it really "allocates" it. How is it done exactly?
Is this done via hardware (CPU)?
Is there a way for NSMutableData to catch memory writes in its "reserved" memory and only then do the "allocation"?
这是否也意味着调用 [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length]
Does this also mean that a call to [NSMutableData dataWithLength:length]
can never fail? Can it allocate any size of memory using swap to get it if needed?
If it can fail will my db variable be null?
In apple's "NSMutableData Class Reference" I have seen only vague sentences about these topics.
不是一个NSMutableData问题,而是一个内核/操作系统问题。如果进程请求一个(大)内存块,内核通常会说没关系,这里你去。但只有在实际使用它的时候,才真正(物理地)分配。这是确定的,因为如果您的程序以2 GB的malloc开始(正如您在这里所做的那样),否则会立即推出其他程序进行交换,而在实践中,您通常不会立即使用2 GB。
This is not so much an NSMutableData issue but a kernel/OS issue. If the process requests a (big) chunk of memory, the kernel will normally just say "that's ok, here you go". But only on actually using it, it is really ("physically") allocated. This is ok since if your program starts with a 2 GB malloc (as you are doing here) it would otherwise instantly push out other programs to swap, while in practice you will often not use the 2 GB right away.
当访问物理内存中实际不存在的内存页时,内核将从CPU中获取一个信号。如果页面应该在那里(因为它在你的2 GB块内),它将被放置到位(可能是从交换),你甚至不会注意到。如果该页面不在那里(因为该地址未在虚拟内存中分配),您将收到一个分段错误(SIGSEGV或EXC_BAD_ACCESS种错误)。
When accessing a memory page that is not actually present in physical memory, the kernel will get a signal from the CPU. If the page should be there (because it is within your 2 GB chunk) it will be put in place (possibly from swap) and you will not even notice. If the page shouldn't be there (because the address is not allocated within your virtual memory) you will get a segmentation fault (SIGSEGV or EXC_BAD_ACCESS kind of error).
One of the related topics is "overcommit(ment)", where the kernel promises more memory than is actually available. It can cause serious problems if all processes start using their promised memory. This is OS dependent.
There are a lot of pages on the internet explaining this better and in more detail; I just wanted to give a short intro so you have the terms to put in google.
编辑刚刚测试,linux将很容易答应我4 TB存储器,而 - 我向你保证 - 在该机器中,总共存储1 TB的磁盘存储空间。你可以想象,如果不照顾,在建立任务关键系统时,会引起一些困扰。
edit just tested, linux will easily promise me 4 TB of memory, while - I assure you - there is not even 1 TB of total disk storage in that machine. You can imagine that this, if not taken care of, can cause some headaches when building mission critical systems.