Rails 3 问题.
Rails 3 question.
如果我发送这样的请求 PUT http://myapp/posts/123?post[title]=hello
If i send a request like this PUT http://myapp/posts/123?post[title]=hello
然后在我的控制器中我得到 params = {:id =>123, :post =>{:title =>你好"}}
then in my controller i get params = {:id => 123, :post => {:title => "hello"}}
这通常很好,通常对例如 Post.create(params[:post])
This is fine normally and usually useful for eg Post.create(params[:post])
参数值为 "hello"
However, on this occasion i need to get access to the 'raw' form of the params so i can order them pull out the values, dealing with them all as simple strings, ie i want them listed so the param name is "post[title]"
and the param value is "hello"
有什么方法可以获得这些值吗?我认为可能有一种 request
Is there any way i get get these values? I thought there might be a method of request
that has the params in their original stringy form but i can't find one.
我曾想尝试使用 to_param 将散列转换回字符串,但这似乎很脏,而且可能没有必要.
It had occurred to me to try to convert the hash back into a string with to_param but this seems a but dirty and possibly unecessary.
作为奖励,我希望它忽略 :id 参数,实际上只是在 ?在原始请求中.事实上,如果我能取回原始请求字符串,即 "http://myapp/posts/123?post[title]=hello"
As a bonus, i'd like it to ignore the :id parameter, literally just taking the part after the ? in the original request. In fact, if i can just get back the original request string, ie "http://myapp/posts/123?post[title]=hello"
then that would do: i could split on the ? and take it from there. It just occurred to me that i can probably get it out of a header. In the meantime though, if anyone knows a nicer way then tell me please :)
感谢任何建议 - 最大
Grateful for any advice - max
请不要手动解析.从 Rails 请求中获取 URI:
Don't do the parsing by hand, please. Grab the URI from the Rails request:
url = request.url
# Or, depending on the Rails version and stack
url = request.request_uri
# Or even
url = request.scheme + '://' + request.host_with_port + request.fullpath
应该可以解决这个问题,但在 Rails 3.1 中似乎不存在.第三种自己构建"方法应该在任何地方产生一致的结果.叹气.
The return value from request.url
seems to depend on your server stack, request.request_uri
is supposed to fix that but doesn't seem to exist in Rails 3.1. The third "build it all yourself" approach should produce consistent results everywhere. Sigh.
然后,一旦你有了 URI,使用 URI.parse
和 URI.decode_www_form
Then, once you have the URI, use URI.parse
and URI.decode_www_form
to parse it:
u = URI.parse(url)
q = URI.decode_www_form(u.query)
# if u.query was "a=b&c=d&a=x" then q is
# [["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["a", "x"]]