

我正在寻找一种在 wagtail.io 中实现双向 m2m 模型的方法.

I am looking for a way to implement bidirectional m2m models in wagtail.io.

  • 一个作者可以写多篇文章和
  • 一篇文章可以有多个作者.
  • 我可以在作者页面和帖子页面上设置/取消设置两个模型之间的关系
  • 在作者页面上设置的关系显示在发布页面上,反之亦然.

在 Django Admin 中,我使用普通的 filter_horizo​​ntal m2m 小部件和自定义通过参数解决了这个问题:

In Django Admin I solved this using the normal filter_horizontal m2m widget and a custom through parameter:


class Author(models.Model):
   posts = models.ManyToManyField('app.Post', blank=True, through=Post.authors.through)

class Post(models.Model):
   authors = models.ManyToManyField('app.Author', blank=True)

我偶然发现了一种至少可以实现-way 关系使用内联 但是我看不出如何扭转这种局面来解决我的双向问题.

I stumbled upon an approach that at least enables a one-way relation using inlines however I cannot see how to turn this around to solve my bidirectional problem.

这就是我在 wagtail 中的进展:

This is how far I got in wagtail:

在 models.py 类 PostPage(Page) 中我定义了一个 InlinePanel:

In models.py class PostPage(Page) I defined an InlinePanel:

InlinePanel('related_agents', label="Related Agents"),


and then further down a custom through model (compare to this blog post):

class PostPageRelatedAuthorItem(Orderable):
   page = ParentalKey('PostPage', related_name='related_authors')
   # one-to-one is the same as ForeignKey with unique=True
   author = models.OneToOneField('thoughts.AgentPage')

   panels = [ 
      PageChooserPanel('author', 'app.AuthorPage'),

是否有双向方式,如果是,您能否帮我提供一些提示 - 非常感谢.

Is there a bidirectional way and if yes could you help me along with some hints - many thanks in advance.


由于 django-modelcluster 的一些限制,您不能将 M2M 字段与 Wagtail 一起使用.您必须基本上专门设置通过"模型.

Because of some restrictions around django-modelcluster you can't use M2M fields with Wagtail. You have to specifically setup the "through" model basically.

您可以在此处找到您需要的所有信息 http://www.tivix.com/blog/working-wagtail-i-want-my-m2ms/

You can find all the info you need here http://www.tivix.com/blog/working-wagtail-i-want-my-m2ms/


09-17 08:04