


I have a fairly expensive calculation (30 minutes each). Actually 169 of the same. I want to just run them once and load them.

private List<Hands> Hands = new List<Hand>() {new Hand(...), new Hand(...)};


My plan is to just run the program and have it print out all the new Hand(...) and then I will copy paste it into the program.


Is there a better way to go about this?


I would rather not use a database or external XML.

 Debug.WriteLine("HoleCards holeCards = new HoleCards(new Card({0}), new Card({1}), {2}, {3}, {4}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11}, {12}, {13}, {14}, {15}, {16}, {17}, {18}, {19}, {20});",
                            holecards.Card1.CardInt, holecards.Card2.CardInt, holecards.Wins, holecards.Loses, holecards.Ties
                          , holecards.StrFlush, holecards.Quads, holecards.Boat, holecards.Flush, holecards.Straight, holecards.Trips, holecards.TwoPair, holecards.OnePair, holecards.High
                          , holecards.StrFlushLose, holecards.QuadsLose, holecards.BoatLose, holecards.FlushLose, holecards.StraightLose, holecards.TripsLose, holecards.TwoPairLose, holecards.OnePairLose, holecards.HighLose);



This does not answer question, but in comments OP asked for fast lookup evaluator in C#. You can use so called "two plus two evaluator". It's a big precomputed lookup table which you can use to lookup strength value of a given hand.


Here is some code in C#.

public static class Card {
    private static readonly Dictionary<char, int> _suites = new Dictionary<char, int> {
        {'c', 0}, {'d', 1}, {'h', 2}, {'s', 3}

    private static readonly Dictionary<char, int> _ranks = new Dictionary<char, int> {
        {'2', 1}, {'3', 2}, {'4', 3}, {'5', 4}, {'6', 5}, {'7', 6}, {'8', 7}, {'9', 8}, {'T', 9}, {'J', 10}, {'Q', 11}, {'K', 12}, {'A', 13}

    public static Dictionary<char, int> Ranks => _ranks;

    public static int FromString(string c) {
        if (c.Length != 2) throw new ArgumentException("c");
        char rank = Char.ToUpperInvariant(c[0]);
        char suit = Char.ToLowerInvariant(c[1]);
        return (_ranks[rank] - 1)*4 + _suites[suit] + 1;


Card just converts a card from string representation ("As" for A spades and so on) to int representation expected by evaluator we use.

public class RankEvaluator
    readonly string[] _handTypes = new[] {
        "invalid hand",
        "high card",
        "one pair",
        "two pairs",
        "three of a kind",
        "full house",
        "four of a kind",
        "straight flush"
    private RankEvaluator()

    private int[] _lut;
    private void Init()
        _lut = InitIntl();

    private static readonly Lazy<RankEvaluator> _instance = new Lazy<RankEvaluator>(() => {
        var r = new RankEvaluator();
        return r;
    }, true);

    public static RankEvaluator Instance => _instance.Value;

    private int[] InitIntl()
        var lut = new int[32487834];
        if (!File.Exists("HandRanks.dat")) throw new InvalidOperationException("HandRanks.dat not found");
        using (var reader = new BinaryReader(File.Open("HandRanks.dat", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
            var tempBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(32487834 * 4);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(tempBuffer, 0, lut, 0, 32487834 * 4);
        return lut;

    public int LookupHand(params int[] cards)
            int p = _lut[53 + cards[0]];
            p = _lut[p + cards[1]];
            p = _lut[p + cards[2]];
            p = _lut[p + cards[3]];
            p = _lut[p + cards[4]];
            p = _lut[p + cards[5]];
            return _lut[p + cards[6]];

    public string GetType(int value) {
        return _handTypes[value >> 12];

    public int GetRank(int value) {
        return value & 0x00000fff;


This class loads HandRanks.dat file with huge lookup table into memory and implements simple algorithm necessary to lookup hand strength. You can get dat file here.


var hand1 = "As Ah";
var hand2 = "2s 2c";
var board = "5s 2d 8h 8s Ks";
var fullHand1 = (hand1 + " " + board).Split(' ').Select(Card.FromString).ToArray();
var fullHand2 = (hand2 + " " + board).Split(' ').Select(Card.FromString).ToArray();
var r1 = RankEvaluator.Instance.LookupHand(fullHand1);
var r2 = RankEvaluator.Instance.LookupHand(fullHand2);
var type1 = RankEvaluator.Instance.GetType(r1); // two pairs
var rank1 = RankEvaluator.Instance.GetRank(r1);
var type2 = RankEvaluator.Instance.GetType(r2); // full house
var rank2 = RankEvaluator.Instance.GetRank(r2);
Debug.Assert(r2 > r1); // full house wins


That's just basic implementation but starting from this you can do many things (evaluate change of winning of one hand vs another on preflop, flop, turn, compare hand vs range of other hands and so on).


09-14 00:55