本文介绍了为什么你比其他编程语言更喜欢C?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 有许多语言:C ++,JAVA,PASCAL等。我b $ b试图学习C ++和JAVA,但最终批评了它们。是因为C是我的第一种编程语言吗? 我喜欢C因为相对而言,它小巧,高效且能够 处理大而复杂的任务。 我无法理解为什么人们正在使用和讨论其他 编程语言。There are many languages around: C++, JAVA, PASCAL, and so on. Itried to learn C++ and JAVA, but ended up criticizing them. Is itbecause C was my first programming language?I like C because, comparatively, it is small, efficient, and able tohandle large and complex tasks.I could not understand why people are using and talking about otherprogramming languages.推荐答案 然后你可能会有偏见。每种语言都有一定的优点和 的缺点。您必须尽量不要从C点接近其他语言 视图,反之亦然。你可能最终会不公平地判断它们或者不合理地判断它们。Then you are probably prejudiced. Each language has certain merits anddemerits. You must try not to approach other languages from a C pointof view and vice versa. You will likely end up judging them unfairly orinappropriately. 不会。这可能是因为你是,尽管你可能会告诉自己, 可能会批评。No. It''s probably because you are, despite what you might tell yourself,probably looking to criticise. 因为某些类型的编程通过语言提高效率 专门针对它们。 C是一种通用语言,而理论上它可以被编程为在图灵机上进行任何计算,很多任务都可以通过 特定语言。如果您尝试广泛的各种编程任务,您将会感激不尽。Because some types of programming are made more efficient by languagesspecifically meant for them. C is a general purpose language and whileit can theoretically be programmed to do any computation possible on aTuring machine, many tasks are rendered easier to accomplish withspecific languages. You will appreciate this if you attempt widelyvaried programming tasks. 一个人使用最好的工具完成手头的任务。 在工作中,这些天我主要使用两种编程语言, MATLAB和Maple。 MATLAB旨在提供混合的阵列操作和图形的交互式原型设计;它适用于我的主要任务b $ b任务的需要,因为该主要任务涉及用于可视化的包的R& D 对数据执行各种数学运算的结果/> 套。正式设计在我们的环境中并不是特别实用,因为我们每天都会改变主意,关于我们要做的事情, 作为我们的经验或更进一步想法或其他文件告诉我们 更多关于什么做或不做什么,所以原型语言是适合这项任务的。当我们想出我们想要做什么 以及应该如何完成时,一个团队将接管它并用结构化语言重新编写它b / b 作为C或C ++。 Maple我用来计算符号公式。它有一个广泛的 符号操作例程库;对于我们来说,使用C来编写例程进行复杂的符号集成是完全不可能的./ $ 是不切实际的。重新发明轮子没有意义! 我没有使用Maple进行任何类型的核心数值评估 数据:我用它来搞清楚表达公式的好方法。 例如,用于求解同时非线性方程式 然后找到用于表达参数的紧凑形式 交叉口的形式。 - 有什么事可以说,看,这是新的吗?它已经过去了,这已经是我们面前的旧时代了。 - EcclesiastesOne uses the best tool for the task at hand.At work, these days I mostly use two programming languages,MATLAB and Maple.MATLAB has been designed to provide interactive prototyping of a mix ofarray operations and graphics; it is suitable for the needs of my majortask because that major task involves R&D of a package for visualizingthe results of performing various mathematical operations upon datasets. Formal design is not especially practical in our environment,as we change our mind several times a day about what we''re trying to do,as our experiences or further thoughts or additional papers tell usmore about what does or does not work, so a prototyping language isappropriate for the task. When we''ve figured out what we want doneand how it should be done, a team will take it over and re-write itin a structured language such as C or C++.Maple I use to compute symbolic formulae. It has an extensivelibrary of symbolic manipulation routines; it would be completelyimpractical for us to use C to write routines to do complicatedsymbolic integration. No point in re-inventing the wheel!I don''t use Maple for any kind of hard-core numeric evaluationof data: I use it to figure out good ways to express formulae.For example, for solving simultaneous non-linear equationsand then finding a compact form for expressing the parametricform of the intersection.--"Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hathbeen already of old time, which was before us." -- Ecclesiastes 一个人使用最好的工具完成手头的任务。 在工作中,这些天我主要使用两种编程语言, MATLAB和Maple。 MATLAB旨在提供混合的阵列操作和图形的交互式原型设计;它适用于我的主要任务b $ b任务的需要,因为该主要任务涉及用于可视化的包的R& D 对数据执行各种数学运算的结果/> 套。正式设计在我们的环境中并不是特别实用,因为我们每天都会改变主意,关于我们要做的事情, 作为我们的经验或更进一步想法或其他文件告诉我们 更多关于什么做或不做什么,所以原型语言是适合这项任务的。当我们想出我们想要做什么 以及应该如何完成时,一个团队将接管它并用结构化语言重新编写它b / b 作为C或C ++。 Maple我用来计算符号公式。它有一个广泛的 符号操作例程库;对于我们来说,使用C来编写例程进行复杂的符号集成是完全不可能的./ $ 是不切实际的。重新发明轮子没有意义! 我没有使用Maple进行任何类型的核心数值评估 数据:我用它来搞清楚表达公式的好方法。 例如,用于求解同时非线性方程式 然后找到用于表达参数的紧凑形式 交叉的形式。One uses the best tool for the task at hand.At work, these days I mostly use two programming languages,MATLAB and Maple.MATLAB has been designed to provide interactive prototyping of a mix ofarray operations and graphics; it is suitable for the needs of my majortask because that major task involves R&D of a package for visualizingthe results of performing various mathematical operations upon datasets. Formal design is not especially practical in our environment,as we change our mind several times a day about what we''re trying to do,as our experiences or further thoughts or additional papers tell usmore about what does or does not work, so a prototyping language isappropriate for the task. When we''ve figured out what we want doneand how it should be done, a team will take it over and re-write itin a structured language such as C or C++.Maple I use to compute symbolic formulae. It has an extensivelibrary of symbolic manipulation routines; it would be completelyimpractical for us to use C to write routines to do complicatedsymbolic integration. No point in re-inventing the wheel!I don''t use Maple for any kind of hard-core numeric evaluationof data: I use it to figure out good ways to express formulae.For example, for solving simultaneous non-linear equationsand then finding a compact form for expressing the parametricform of the intersection. 我以为Walter可能会表达对perl的亲和力,当我被问到需要一种语言的问题时,我已经见过他 帖子适用于perl的 范围。 你真的无法远离C,试试你的意思。我有 语法的事务,但发现C的影响始终是正确的。在我的 选择语法中,他们定义了ISO_C_BINDING最后一个标准 。现在这是新标准的公众意见,所以它在那里得到了一个很厚的 。 - 民主从猴子那里运行马戏团的艺术和科学 笼子。 HL MenckenI thought Walter might express an affinity to perl, which I''ve seen himpost when asked a question that needed a language appropriate to perl''spurview.You never really can get away from C, try as you will. I have affairs withsyntaxes but find the influence of C is always right under the hood. In mysyntax of choice, fortran, they defined an ISO_C_BINDING last standardaround. It''s public comments now for the new standard, so it''s getting alittle thick there.--Democracy is the art and science of running the circus from the monkeycage.H. L. Mencken 这篇关于为什么你比其他编程语言更喜欢C?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-20 04:24