


I am trying to understand the concept of iterator invalidation in vectors.From some of the reading I have done I have found that if a vector contains say 7 elements and you delete the element on the 5th index then the iterators from 5th element onwards become invalidated. This is because all the elements after the 5th index would need to move up one slot. This makes sense to me however I am a bit confused between the following two cases

    std::vector<foo> vec {foo{1},foo{2}};              //foo is a simple class
    foo* ptr = &vec[0];                                //Case 1
    std::vector<foo>::iterator it = vec.begin() + 1;   //Case 2

如果迭代器失效,对于STL容器是否安全可行指针也变得无效?例如,如果失效, ptr 也会无效?如果没有,你能否给出迭代器失效但指针仍然有效的情况?我目前对矢量,地图和deques感兴趣。

Is it safe to say that for a STL container if an iterator becomes invalidated then a pointer becomes invalidated too ? For instance if it becomes invalidated will ptr be invalid too ? If not could you give a case in which an iterator becomes invalidated but a pointer remains valid ? I am currently interested in vectors , maps and deques.


Update:So I wrote a little code and experimented

std::vector<foo> vec {foo{1},foo{2},foo{3}};
foo* ptr = &vec[1];
std::vector<foo>::iterator it = vec.begin() + 1;
std::cout << "Before : " <<  ptr->a << "\n";
vec.erase(vec.begin() + 1); //Remove the second element
std::cout << "Iterator value : " << it->a << "\n";
std::cout << "After : " <<  ptr->a << "\n";


Before : 2
Iterator value : 3
After : 3


I am surprised why the vector did not mention that the iterator was invalid since this was the iterator obtained before an element was removed.



Different containers behave differently when you remove an item.



07-04 21:17