


I am suppose to use the predict function to predict when fjbjor is 5.5 and I always get this warning message and I have tried many ways but it always comes so is there anyone who can see what I am doing wrong here


fit.lm <- lm(fjbjor~amagn, data=bjor)

new.bjor<- data.frame(fjbjor=5.5)


 1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10       11 
5.981287 2.864521 9.988559 5.758661 4.645530 2.419269 4.645530 5.313409 6.871792 3.309773 4.200278 

      12       13       14       15       16 
3.755026 5.981287 5.536035 1.974016 3.755026  


If anyone can see what is wrong I would be really thankful for the help.


您的模型是fjbjor ~ amagn,其中fjbjor是响应,而amagn是协变量.那么您的newdatadata.frame(fjbjor=5.5).

Your model is fjbjor ~ amagn, where fjbjor is response and amagn is covariate. Then your newdata is data.frame(fjbjor=5.5).

newdata应该用于提供协变量而不是响应. predict将仅保留newdata中的协变量列.对于您指定的newdata,它将为NULL.结果,predict将使用内部模型框架进行预测,这将返回您拟合的值.

newdata should be used to provide covariates rather than response. predict will only retain columns of covariates in newdata. For your specified newdata, this will be NULL. As a result, predict will use the internal model frame for prediction, which returns you fitted values.

警告消息非常清楚. predict根据nrow(newdata)确定期望的预测数,即1.但是随后我发生了上述情况,因此返回了16个拟合值.这种不匹配会产生警告.

The warning message is fairly clear. predict determines the expected number of predictions from nrow(newdata), which is 1. But then what I described above happened so 16 fitted values are returned. Such mismatch produces the warning.

您真正想要的模型是:amagn ~ fjbjor.

Looks like the model you really want is: amagn ~ fjbjor.


09-25 07:57