


There are a few situations where I need to launch and run a QTP test from the command prompt. For example, I'd like to use Windows Task Scheduler to run QTP tests at various times throughout the night, but there is (seemingly) no flag that I can use have QTP.exe open and run a test. How can I accomplish this?


这是真的,有快速测试专业版,则不能的直接的通过调用运行测试 C:\\ Program Files文件(86)\\ HP \\ QuickTest Professional的\\ BIN \\ QTPro.exeC:\\一些测试\\结果
所有的希望都不会丢失但是,。有一种方法来创建可以运行任意QTP测试时VBS文件被称为小VBS文件。 这比创建为每个测试一个批处理文件好得多。

It's true that with QuickTest Pro, you cannot directly run a test by calling C:\Program Files (x86)\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\QTPro.exe "C:\Some Test\"
All hope is not lost, however. There is a way to create a small VBS file that can run any arbitrary QTP test when that VBS file is called. This is much better than creating a single batch file for each and every test.

'by Michael Innes
'November 2012

testResourcePath = "C:\Test Logs and Results\"

'Getting the test path
Dim objArgs
Set objArgs = wscript.Arguments
testPath = objArgs(0)

'Determining that the test does exist
Dim objFSO
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
DoesFolderExist = objFSO.FolderExists(testPath)
Set objFSO = Nothing

If DoesFolderExist Then
    Dim qtApp 'Declare the Application object variable
    Dim qtTest 'Declare a Test object variable
    Set qtApp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application") 'Create the Application object
    qtApp.Launch 'Start QuickTest
    qtApp.Visible = True 'Make the QuickTest application visible
    qtApp.Open testPath, False 'Open the test in read-only mode
    Set qtTest = qtApp.Test

    'Set qtResultsOpt = CreateObject("QuickTest.RunResultsOptions") ' Create the Run Results Options object
    'qtResultsOpt.ResultsLocation = testResourcePath ' Specify the location to save the test results.
    'qtTest.Run qtResultsOpt,True 'Run the test and wait until end of the test run

    qtTest.Run 'Run the test
    qtTest.Close 'Close the test
    'Couldn't find the test folder. That's bad. Guess we'll have to report on how we couldn't find the test.
    'Insert reporting mechanism here.
End If

要使用上述code,执行下面的命令: Cscript.exe将C:\\ RunThisTest.vbsL:\\测试路径\\测试本身\\

To use the code above, execute a command like this: cscript.exe "C:\RunThisTest.vbs" "L:\Test Path\The Test Itself\"


09-16 06:15