本文介绍了Google AppEngine-部署后更新我的WebApp的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我是Web应用程序领域的新手,我对Google AppEngine函数有疑问。
我已经在计算机上安装了Launcher,并注册了在线平台(Python)。我已将项目文件夹添加到启动器中,然后单击部署以使其联机。但是,当我编辑/更新 main.py文件以在开发中继续进行时,这些编辑不会在线反映。换句话说:我看不到任何变化,当我转到以下链接时:[NAME] .appspot.com,实际上,检查源代码时,我仍然看到它仍然存在我开发的第一个版本。 :(不应该用em进行更新,只是保存新的.py版本?也许这是我所缺少的一个非常简单的步骤,但是如果有人可以帮助我,那将是绝对很棒的:)

friends!I'm fairly new to web app world and I have a question regarding Google AppEngine functions.I've installed the Launcher on my machine and signed up for the online platform (Python). I've added my project folder in the Launcher and hit "deploy" to have it online. However, when I edit/update my "main.py" file to move forward in the development the edits are not reflected online. In other words: I don't see any change, when I go to the link: [NAME].appspot.com and in fact, checking at the source code, I can see that it is still the first version I've developed. :(Shouldn't it update with em just saving the new .py version? Maybe it's a quite simple step I'm missing, but would be absolutely great if someone could help me :)

其他信息:我正在使用Python 2.7并拥有SDK。

Extra info: I'm using Python 2.7 and have the SDK.




本地更改仅立即反映在本地开发服务器上。在进行更改部分: //cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/python/quickstart rel = nofollow noreferrer> Python App Engine标准环境快速入门:

Local changes are immediately reflected only on the local development server. From the Make a change section of Quickstart for Python App Engine Standard Environment:


You can leave the development server running while you develop your application. The development server watches for changes in your source files and reloads them if necessary.

  1. 立即尝试:离开开发服务器运行,然后编辑 main.py Hello,World!更改为其他内容。

  2. 重新加载以查看结果。

  1. Try it now: Leave the development server running, then edit main.py to change Hello, World! to something else.
  2. Reload http://localhost:8080/ to see the results.


The deployment step is what updates the live app. You need to repeat it whenever you want the latest code changes reflected by the live app. From Deploying a Python App:

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08-05 01:58