本文介绍了UIViewController - 无法成为第一响应者的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



anyone knows why UIViewController wouldn't become first responder when I run this code:

[self becomeFirstResponder];
NSLog(@"is first resp: %i",[self isFirstResponder]);


In the console, I always see the line: "is first resp: 0"


I HAVE canBecomeFirstResponder method:

- (BOOL)canBecomeFirstResponder {
return YES;


I don't even know where to look next....



我怀疑,我认为错误 UIViewController / firstResponder 用法。苹果开发论坛中的这个专门讨论了如何开始工作。


As I suspected, I assumed wrong about UIViewController/firstResponder usage. This thread in the apple dev forums talks specifically about getting shaking to work.

在你的UI元素上调用 becomeFirstResponder 想回应。只要链中没有其他对象实现touches方法(或者至少继续将它们转发到链中),事件将自动转发到 UIViewController

Call becomeFirstResponder on the UI element that you want to respond. The events will automatically get forwarded to the UIViewController as long as no other objects in the chain implement the touches methods (or at least keep forwarding them up the chain).

附注:为了建立其他人的评论, UIViewController 成为真的没有意义急救人员。第一个响应者应该是具有屏幕表示的对象( UIView 或其子类之一)。

Side note: To build on the comments of others, it really doesn't make sense for a UIViewController to be the "first" responder. The first responder should be an object with an on screen representation (a UIView or one of its subclasses).

虽然这可能是一个完全不正确的陈述,但在 UIViewController 中可能存在无证行为,导致其无法成为firstResponder因为这些问题(比我聪明的人可以验证这个问题的有效性)。

Although this may be a completely incorrect statement, there may be undocumented behavior in UIViewController that prevents it from becoming the firstResponder because of these issues (Someone smarter than me may be able to verify the validity of this).

这篇关于UIViewController - 无法成为第一响应者的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-30 11:22