I'm looking for a way to filter / reject objects in a collection based on the value of a chosen property. Specifically I need to filter out objects that contain duplicate values for that chosen property. I need to convert the property value to lower case and trim the whitespace.
I already have my method for removing the duplicates but I can't figure out how to include the lowercase conversion and the trim.
removeDuplicates: function (coll, attr) {
var uniques = _.map(_.groupBy(coll, function (obj) {
return obj[attr];
}), function (grouped) {
return grouped[0];
return uniques;
var array = [{
name: "thefourtheye"
}, {
name: "theFOURtheye"
}, {
name: "thethirdeye"
你应该使用 _.uniq
You should be using _.uniq
function, like this
var attr = "name";
console.log(_.unique(array, false, function(currenObject) {
return currenObject[attr].toLowerCase();
# [ { name: 'thefourtheye' }, { name: 'thethirdeye' } ]
uniq_.uniq(array, [isSorted], [iterator])
the second parameter is tell if the collection is already sorted. This is important, because if the collection is sorted, there are algorithms which can find the unique data very efficiently.
第三个参数,应该是一个函数,可以对数据进行变换,得到要比较的键值.正如我们在示例中看到的,我们实际上从各个对象中选择了 name
the third parameter, should be a function, which can transform the data to get the key value to compare. As we see in the example, we actually pick the name
property from the individual objects and convert them to lower case letters. So, this lower cased name will represent this object and if two lowercased names are the same, then those objects will be considered as the duplicate of each other.