


我有一个通过 Nrwl 设置的成角度的monorepo,并且正在使用 Angular Material的主题,它使用SASS.




@import "../other-lib/style.scss";



@import "~@my-organization/other-lib/style.scss";

...在我的monorepo AFAIK中不起作用.






  • ng新的myproject(进入myproject根目录)
  • ng添加@ nrwl/workspace

此外,截至今天(2019年7月10日),我已经报告了一个错误,即使工作区已经是一个角度类型并且@nrwl安装会识别出该错误并安装了@ nrwl/angular,但它无法正确配置默认的逻辑示意图集合,这意味着在命令前未附加"@ nrwl/angular:"(例如"ng @ nrwl/angular:g模块mymod")将不会运行"ng"命令.因此,您必须运行安装(选择scss以及所需的任何e2e运行程序):

  • ng添加@ nrwl/angular

它将告诉您@ nrwl/angular已安装,但是会更改配置文件以将angle识别为默认逻辑示意图集合,并且您的ng命令将再次按预期运行.


  • ng g lib scss --directory = stylesheets

这将在libs-> stylesheets中放置一个名为scss的库.在该库的"lib"目录中,转储所有scss文件.我们假设您将文件"variables.scss"放在该lib目录中.


  • 创建库时,会将路径"条目添加到您的存储库配置中.这使您可以通过使用该路径而不是较长的相对导入来使用库中的资产.请注意,仅添加此条目并尝试在没有库包装的情况下将scss文件导入到其他scss文件中是行不通的.显然,您需要该库来获取要解析的路径.


"@ nameofrepo-nameoflib"


是的,如果您有十个项目,则每个项目在angular.json中都有一个项目条目,每个项目中都有一个build.options块(通常以"scripts []"结尾,至少在我的原始安装程序中) ,并且您必须将其添加到每个选项部分中(此信息已存在,但我想确认,这直接来自NRWL团队):


ng g app myapp



ng g模块的功能ng g组件的功能










I have an angular monorepo set up via Nrwl and am using Angular Material's theming, which uses SASS.

I want the SCSS source files to import at the project level where I'll override default color variables for theming.

The problem I'm running into is that I want to import SCSS source files into other apps/libraries within my monorepo, and to projects outside of this monorepo.

I can write my imports like:

@import "../other-lib/style.scss";

...which will work for anything inside of the monorepo.

Or I can write it like this:

@import "~@my-organization/other-lib/style.scss";

...which won't work inside of my monorepo, AFAIK.

How do I get it to work in both contexts?

It's setup something like the diagram below.


I think I might have something here, this is the solution I've adopted after some back 'n forth with the NRWL team.

I create an NX workspace by first creating a project with the angular CLI, and then adding the extensions, like so:

  • ng new myproject(cd into myproject root)
  • ng add @nrwl/workspace

In addition, as of today (July 10, 2019) I've reported a bug that, even though the workspace is already an angular type and the @nrwl install recognizes that and installs @nrwl/angular, it does not correctly configure the default schematics collection, which means that "ng" commands will not run without appending "@nrwl/angular:" before the command (e.g. "ng @nrwl/angular:g module mymod"). So you have to run the install (select scss and whatever e2e runner you want):

  • ng add @nrwl/angular

It'll tell you @nrwl/angular is already installed, but will alter the config files to recognize the angular as the default schematic collection, and your ng commands will run as expected again.

That's that for the workspace. Now create a lib:

  • ng g lib scss --directory=stylesheets

This will put a lib named scss in libs->stylesheets. In the "lib" directory of that library, dump all your scss files. We will assume you put a file "variables.scss" in that lib directory.

What this does is a couple of things:

  • When you created the library, a "paths" entry is added to your repo config. This allows you to use assets in the library by using that path instead of a long relative import. Note that just adding this entry and trying to import scss files into other scss files without the library wrapper, does not work. Evidently, you need that library to get that path to resolve.

If you look, you'll see the "paths" entry is something like this:


In order to use the scss assets in the library, in angular.json, you have to manually (not ideal but there it is) add the below fragment to the "build.options" section of EACH AND EVERY PROJECT YOU WANT TO USE IT IN.

So yes, if you have ten projects, each will have a project entry in angular.json, each of those will have a build.options block (typically ending with "scripts []", at least in my vanilla install), and you have to add this to each of those options sections (this info is out there, but I wanted to confirm, this is straight from the NRWL team):

"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
    "includePaths": ["libs/stylesheets/scss/src/lib"]
"extractCss": true

Now, say you've created an app, and added the above config to the entry in angular.json:

ng g app myapp

And that within this app you created a feature module and component:

(cd into apps/myapp/src)

ng g module myfeatureng g component myfeature

That will create the module and component folder and assets, etc.

NOTE: As of same date as above, there's an issue that creating a component directly this way will create a .css file, even though .scss is the selected type for the project. Make sure you rename that file and change the component's pointer to it.

Within myfeature.component.scss, you would import "variables.scss" from your lib this way:

@import "variables"

Note there is no "~" (that resolves to node_modules). And, if you have subdirectories in the "lib" directory (e.g. utils), just path to it as you'd expect:

@import "utils/somefile"

Again...you MUST configure the preproccesor options as indicated in EACH project entry in angular.json!

Another gotcha: these paths may or may not appear to resolve in your IDE. Strangely, it seems some do and some don't. Not exactly sure of the pattern here, but keep in mind that your IDE may show an error where there technically isn't one.

This is working nicely for my projects.



09-06 11:08