

有人知道如何在构建解决方案时告诉VS(2008)在哪里保存obj文件夹吗?我们将bin文件夹保存到另一个路径,以使源文件文件夹保持较小(即可通过电子邮件发送),但是找不到任何方法来告诉它使用obj ...

Does anyone know how to tell VS(2008) where to save the obj folder when building the solution? We have it save the bin folder to another path in order to keep the source file folders small (ie. emailable), but can't find any way to tell it to do the same with obj...


使用项目文件中的BaseIntermediateOutputPath属性(.csproj.vbproj等),如 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-CN/library/bb629394.aspx .您必须使用文本编辑器手动编辑XML文档,然后将其重新加载到Visual Studio中.它可能仍会创建obj文件夹(这是一个已知的错误),但是将其保留为空并将实际的obj文件放置在您指定的文件夹中.

Use the BaseIntermediateOutputPath property in the project file (.csproj, .vbproj, etc.), as explained at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb629394.aspx. You'll have to manually edit the XML document using a text editor, then reload it in Visual Studio. It may still create the obj folder (that's a known bug), but will leave it empty and put the actual obj files in your specified folder.


09-01 20:07