VBWebHacks.vbProj CSConsole.csproj JSWindows.vbProj (你明白了) 我花了不到五分钟的时间来添加一个结构定义,测试方法并在VBConsole中修改我的Sub Main(): Easy enough to find out. *Every* developer should have a dummy VS.NET Solution called Hacks or Tests or something that looks like this: Hacks.sln DBHacks.dbp VBConsole.vbproj VBWindows.vbProj VBWebHacks.vbProj CSConsole.csproj JSWindows.vbProj (you get the idea) It took me less than five minutes to add a structure definition, test method and modify my Sub Main() in VBConsole: 我认为Qwert的问题不是如何获得这些属性但是如果 值组合IsValueType = true和isprimitive = false是保证 该类型是一个结构(或者如果有的话)呃属性必须是 考虑在内。) ArminI think "Qwert"''s question was not how to get these properties but if thevalue combination IsValueType=true and isprimitive=false is the guaranteethat the type is a structure (or if there are other properties that must betaken into account).Armin 这篇关于System.Type - 结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
07-04 08:42