本文介绍了在MVVM Light上下文中以编程方式Animate(Translate)ScatterViewItem的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在Microsoft Surface(WPF,.NET 4.0,C#)中实现ScatterViewItems的程序化翻译。例如。由事件/命令/消息初始化的翻译。由于这些项本身可以位于任何位置,并且可以在












I'm trying to realize programmatic translations of ScatterViewItems in Microsoft Surface (WPF, .NET 4.0, C#). E.g. translations that are initialized by an Event/Command/Message. As these items themselves can be at any location and can be added/deleted at runtime, they cannot be 'predefined' in the XAML and thus would be added and deleted programmatically. The endpoints of the translations might be changed as well during runtime.

Is such a thing possible within MVVM? As animations typically are something that happens in the View, but the data that powers these animations will most likely 'live' in the ViewModel. 

I've looked at PointAnimations, RenderTransforms and 'pseudo' animations using a DispatchTimer to update my ScatterViewItem.Center property, to no avail. After a long and tedious search, the closest I got to actual animations in WPF was by following anarticle by Josh Twist. Although this approach works fine for properties like Opacity and Value, I don't immedeatly see it allowing me to animate an item's position over the ScatterView area (as in the article the item is enclosed in a custom UserControl), nor do I see how I could enable such behaviour for multiple objects.

I'll try to illustrate my idea using the following pictures

The first image shows the "start" situation, there are 9 items laid out on the Surface (ScatterView with ScatterViewItems) and there are 2 buttons (not necessarily part of the ScatterView). The text on these buttons defines what kind of action they will trigger. 

In the second picture: If one clicks the "Green" button, the green square, the green circle and the green triangle would move towards the vicinity of the "Green" button.

Shown in the third picture: If one clicks the "Cirlce" button, the circular items would clone themselves and send this cloned version (opacity 0.5) towards the button, connecting both the original and the clone by a line/gradient swirl.

I already saw an example of connected ScatterViewItems by Bart Roosendaal (from Sevensteps), which already contains some of the things I want to do. But I'm stuck at getting them to animate to new positions, does anyone have any experience with this?


这篇关于在MVVM Light上下文中以编程方式Animate(Translate)ScatterViewItem的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-17 11:09