我在 vscode 中创建了一个虚拟环境并激活了它,但是,虚拟环境没有显示在 python 解释器路径中.只显示默认的 python 路径.此外,当我尝试在 venv 处于活动状态时在终端中安装任何模块时,它仅显示无法使用"创建进程.安装模块.请帮我解决这个问题.
I have created a virtual environment in vscode and also activated it, however, the virtual environment is not being shown in python interpreter path. only the default python path is being shown. Also when I am trying to install any module in terminal while the venv active, it just shows that Unable to create process using "" install module. Please help me with this problem.
Here are the steps which I used to create the virtual environment:
- 我使用命令pip install virtualenv"安装了 virtualenv 模块
- 我使用命令virtualenv myprojectenv"在文件夹中创建了虚拟环境
- 然后我使用命令'.\myprojectenv\Scripts\activate.ps1'激活了虚拟环境
- 这让我进入了虚拟环境.然后我尝试使用命令pip install flask"安装模块flask",但随后显示错误-无法使用"创建进程.'
Also please provide me a solution in layman's language as I am a beginner in the coding field
安装flask在终端写代码:-py -m pip 安装烧瓶
to install flask write the code in the terminal:-py -m pip install flask
在 Virtual Studio Code 中运行此代码时,这 5 个包将与 Flask 一起自动安装.
On running this code in Virtual Studio Code, these 5 packages will be installed automatically along with flask.
- Werkzeug
- 它很危险
- 点击
- 金贾
- 标记安全