本文介绍了Apache Htaccess中KeepAlive的正确使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Header set Connection keep-alive

KeepAlive on

在 Apache htaccess 中?

in Apache htaccess?

我们必须在 php 文件的标题中放入哪些代码和选项?htaccess 文件中有什么?

What code and options we have to put in the header of a php file? And what in htaccess file?


如果只设置标题 Connection: keep-alive 是不够的.客户端会认为这是一个保持活动的连接,但服务器可能会决定关闭连接.此外,客户端不知道可以通过保持活动连接提供多少请求.还有一个额外的标头用于跟踪通过保持活动连接发送的请求,如下所示:

If you simply set the header Connection: keep-alive it isn't going to be enough. The client will think it's a keep-alive connection but the server may decide to close the connection. Additionally, the client doesn't know how many requests can be served through the keep-alive connection. There's an additional header that is used to track requests sent through a keep-alive connection that looks like this:

Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100

它告诉客户端它可以在当前的保持连接上再发送 100 个请求(并且它在您继续使用所述保持连接时倒计时)并且客户端有 15 秒的时间进行任何添加在连接关闭之前请求.

which tells the client that it can send up to 100 more requests on the current keep-alive connection (and it counts down as you continue to use said keep-alive connection) and that the client has 15 seconds to make any additioanl requests before the connection is closed.

仅使用标头不足以建立保持活动连接,因为服务器需要协商它.两端都需要知道keep-alive,并且两端都需要做适当的记账.您需要告诉 apache 在其结束时处理 keep-alive 并且简单地发送标头不会这样做.您需要使用第二个指令打开保持活动状态:

Simply using the header isn't sufficient to establish a keep alive connection because the server needs to negotiate it. Both ends need to know about the keep-alive and both ends need to do proper accounting. You need to tell apache to handle keep-alive on its end and simply sending the header isn't going to do that. You need to turn keep-alive on using the second directive:

KeepAlive on


And additionally, you can tweak the keep-alive mechanism with directives like:

KeepAliveTimeout 15
MaxKeepAliveRequests 100

这篇关于Apache Htaccess中KeepAlive的正确使用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-26 18:09