本文介绍了自动HTML编码NVelocity输出(EventCartridge&安培; ReferenceInsert)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想尝试让NVelocity自动HTML EN code在我的单轨的应用程序的某些字符串。

我看遍了NVelocity源$ C ​​$ C,发现 EventCartridge ,这似乎是,你可以插件更改各种行为的类。

在特定该类有一个 ReferenceInsert 方法,这似乎做的正是我想要的。它基本上被调用之前的基准(如:$ foobar的)的价值得到输出,并且允许你修改的结果。

我不能工作了我是怎么配置NVelocity /单轨电车NVelocity视图引擎使用我的执行?

的建议velocity.properties可以包含一个条目添加特定的事件处理程序是这样的,但我找不到在NVelocity源$ C ​​$ C,看起来这个配置的任何地方nofollow的>速度文档。

任何帮助非常AP preciated!


 私人VelocityEngine _velocityEngine;
私人VelocityContext _velocityContext;

    _velocityEngine =新VelocityEngine();

    _velocityContext =新VelocityContext();


    _velocityContext.EventCartridge.ReferenceInsertion + = EventCartridge_ReferenceInsertion;

    _velocityContext.Put(thisShouldBeEn codeD,< P>这\\应该是恩codeD'< / P>中);


    VAR的结果= _velocityEngine.Evaluate(_velocityContext,作家,HtmlEncodingEventCartridgeTestFixture.En codeReference,@< P>这,不应该,将连接codeD< / P> $ thisShouldBeEn codeD);

    Assert.AreEqual(@< P>这,不应该,将连接codeD< / P>&放大器; LT; P&安培; gt;这与安培; QUOT; QUOT;应与功放是和放大器; #39; EN coded和放大器;#39;&放大器; LT; / P&放大器; GT;,writer.ToString());

私有静态无效EventCartridge_ReferenceInsertion(对象发件人,ReferenceInsertionEventArgs E)
    VAR originalString = e.OriginalValue为字符串;

    如果(originalString == NULL)回报;

    e.NewValue = HtmlEn code(originalString);

私人静态字符串HtmlEn code(字符串值)
        .Replace(>中,与& gt;中)
        .Replace(\,与& QUOT;)
        .Replace(',与'); //&功放;者;在IE浏览器无法正常工作



现在,你已经证实,这种方法的工作原理,从 Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Views.NVelocity.NVelocityEngine 继承,覆盖 BeforeMerge ,并设置 EventCartridge 和事件出现。然后配置单轨使用此自定义视图引擎。

I wanted to try getting NVelocity to automatically HTML encode certain strings in my MonoRail app.

I looked through the NVelocity source code and found EventCartridge, which seems to be a class which you can plugin to change various behaviours.

In particular this class has a ReferenceInsert method which would seem to do exactly what I want. It basically gets called just before the value of a reference (e.g. $foobar) gets output, and allows you to modify the results.

What I can't work out is how I configure NVelocity/the MonoRail NVelocity view engine to use my implementation?

The Velocity docs suggest that velocity.properties can contain an entries for adding specific event handlers like this, but I can't find anywhere in the NVelocity source code that looks for this configuration.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Edit: A simple test that shows this working (proof of concept so not production code!)

private VelocityEngine _velocityEngine;
private VelocityContext _velocityContext;

public void Setup()
    _velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();

    // creates the context...
    _velocityContext = new VelocityContext();

    // attach a new event cartridge
    _velocityContext.AttachEventCartridge(new EventCartridge());

    // add our custom handler to the ReferenceInsertion event
    _velocityContext.EventCartridge.ReferenceInsertion += EventCartridge_ReferenceInsertion;

public void EncodeReference()
    _velocityContext.Put("thisShouldBeEncoded", "<p>This \"should\" be 'encoded'</p>");

    var writer = new StringWriter();

    var result = _velocityEngine.Evaluate(_velocityContext, writer, "HtmlEncodingEventCartridgeTestFixture.EncodeReference", @"<p>This ""shouldn't"" be encoded.</p> $thisShouldBeEncoded");

    Assert.IsTrue(result, "Evaluation returned failure");
    Assert.AreEqual(@"<p>This ""shouldn't"" be encoded.</p> &lt;p&gt;This &quot;should&quot; be &#39;encoded&#39;&lt;/p&gt;", writer.ToString());

private static void EventCartridge_ReferenceInsertion(object sender, ReferenceInsertionEventArgs e)
    var originalString = e.OriginalValue as string;

    if (originalString == null) return;

    e.NewValue = HtmlEncode(originalString);

private static string HtmlEncode(string value)
    return value
        .Replace("&", "&amp;")
        .Replace("<", "&lt;")
        .Replace(">", "&gt;")
        .Replace("\"", "&quot;")
        .Replace("'", "&#39;"); // &apos; does not work in IE

Try attaching a new EventCartridge to the VelocityContext. See these tests as reference.

Now that you've confirmed that this approach works, inherit from Castle.MonoRail.Framework.Views.NVelocity.NVelocityEngine, override BeforeMerge and set the EventCartridge and event there. Then configure MonoRail to use this custom view engine.

这篇关于自动HTML编码NVelocity输出(EventCartridge&安培; ReferenceInsert)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-03 20:31