我的应用程序(html + JavaScript)使用Google地图作为基础图层。我还将OSM设置为脱机基础层,以便在没有互联网连接时使用。
My application ( html+ JavaScript) use Google map as a base layer. I also setup OSM as an offline base layer to use when there is no internet connection.
Now I'm locking for a way to make app check for internet connection, if there is, then use Google map as a base layer. if not, then use OSM.
当加载Google时,您可以侦听'loaderror'事件地图图块失败。以下是常规WMS图层的示例(完整示例,位于 http://jsfiddle.net/D3Eha/2/)
You can listen for 'loaderror' event, that will be thrown, when loading of Google Map tile fails. Here is example with regular WMS layer (full example in http://jsfiddle.net/D3Eha/2/)
var wmsLayer, workingOffline = false;
wmsLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS("OpenLayers WMS",
{layers: 'basic'},
attribution: 'Provided by OSGeo',
tileOptions: {
eventListeners: {
'loaderror': function(evt) {
if (workingOffline == false) {
console.log('Tile load error, switching to offline map');
workingOffline = true;
It's trickier to detect, when computer is online again. For example, when you go offline, start periodical timer to load some image from Internet. If it succeeds, you are back online.