

我正在寻找支付网关公司,这样我们就可以避免繁琐的 PCI-DSS 认证及其相关费用.我现在就解决这个问题,我不想要 Paypal.它做我想做的事,但它真的不是我想用任何金钱来信任的公司.

I'm looking for a payment gateway company so we can avoid tiresome PCI-DSS certification and its associated expenses. I'll get this out the way now, I don't want Paypal. It does what I want but it's really not a company I want to trust with any sort of money.


  • 用户在我们的网站上执行操作,产生需要支付的金额.
  • 我们的服务器异步联系网关(没有隐藏的输入),并告诉它关于用户的信息,他们需要支付多少钱.网关会返回一个 URL,可能还会返回一个暂定的交易 ID.
  • 我们的服务器存储交易 ID 并将用户重定向到网关提供的 URL.
  • 用户在远程服务器上填写他们的付款详细信息.
  • 完成后,网关会异步联系我们的服务器并提供结果、交易 ID 等,并将它们转发回给我们(通过预定的 URL).
  • 我们可以向用户展示他们的订单是否完成/失败/等等.结束.


If at all possible, UK or EU based and developer friendly.


We don't need any concept of a shopping basket as we have that all handled in our code already.

我们拥有(或至少在推出后将拥有)一个合适的商家银行账户 - 因此不需要像 Paypay 这样的覆盖服务.

We have (or at least will have by launch) a proper merchant banking account - so cover services like Paypay aren't needed.

如果他们的 API 明确涵盖 Python(我们正在使用 Django),那就更好了,但我认为我有能力破译任何其他示例并将它们转码为 Python.

If their API covers Python (we're using Django) explicitly, all the better but I think I'm capable enough to decipher any other examples and transcode them into Python myself.


您可能想看看 Adyen (www.adyen.com).他们是欧洲人,提供了很多功能和非常友好的界面.他们不收取月费或设置费,而且每笔交易的定价似乎很合理.

You might want to take a look at Adyen (www.adyen.com). They are European and provide a whole lot of features and a very friendly interface. They don't charge a monthly or set up fee and seem to be reasonably priced per transaction.


Their hosted payments page can be completely customised which was an amazing improvement for us.


10-13 21:09