![examples examples]()
本文介绍了验证git模块中的更改的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 我只是添加了一些更改到我的git存储库。除了显示对 .gitmodules 的更改外,所有内容都很好,并且显示了未在两个模块目录中提交的更改。据我所知,我没有对 .gitmodules 或这两个目录进行任何更改。 [Michael @ devserver maindir] $ git add如何确定哪些文件在这些目录中被修改,以及发生了什么变化? 。 [Michael @ devserver maindir] $ git status 在分支主机上你的分支在5次提交之前在'origin / master'前面。 (使用git push发布你的本地提交)提交的改动:(使用git reset HEAD< file> ...来取消) 修改:.gitmodules 其他文件我更改了 更改没有为commit提交:(使用git add< file> ... 更新将提交的内容)(使用git checkout - < file> ...放弃工作目录中的更改)(提交或放弃子模块中未跟踪或修改的内容) 修改:application / classes_3rd / PHPMailer(修改内容)修改:application / classes_3rd / parsecsv(修改内容) [Michael @ devserver maindir] $ cat .gitmodules [submoduleapplication / classes_3rd / PHPMailer] path = application / classes_3rd / PHPMailer url = https://github.com/Synchro/PHPMailer.git [submoduleapplication / classes_3rd / parsecsv] path = application / classes_3rd / parsecsv url = https://github.com/parsecsv/parsecsv-for-php.git [Michael @ devserver maindir] 编辑。每个VonC的答案... pre $ $ $ $ $ $ $应用程序/ classes_3rd / PHPMailer [Michael @ devserver maindir] devserver PHPMailer] $ git status HEAD detached at 245381c 更改没有为commit提交:(使用git add< file> ...更新将提交的内容)(使用git checkout - < file> ...放弃工作目录中的更改) 修改:.gitignore 修改:.scrutinizer.yml 修改:.travis.yml 修改:LICENSE 修改:PHPMailerAutoload.php 修改:README.md 修改:changelog.md 修改:class.phpmailer。 php 修改:class.pop3.php 修改:class.smtp.php 修改:composer.json 修改:docs / Callback_function_notes.txt 修改:docs /DomainKeys_notes.txt 已修改:docs / Note_for_SMTP_debugging.txt 修改:docs / extensions.html 修改:docs / faq.html 修改:docs / pop3_article.txt 修改:示例/ LGPLv3.txt 修改:examples / code_generator。 phps 修改:examples / contents.html 修改:examples / exceptions.phps 修改:examples / gmail.phps 修改:examples / images / phpmailer.png 修改:examples / images / phpmailer_mini.png 修改:examples / index.html 修改:examples / mail.phps 修改:examples / mailing_list.phps 修改:示例/pop_before_smtp.phps 修改:examples / scripts / shAutoloader.js 修改:examples / scripts / shBrushPhp.js 修改:examples / scripts / shCore.js 修改:示例/scripts/shLegacy.js 修改:examples / sendmail.phps 修改:examples / smtp.phps 修改:examples / smtp_no_auth.phps 修改:examples / styles / shCore.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreDefault.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreDjango.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreEclipse.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreEmacs.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreFadeToGrey.css 修改:examples / styles / shCoreMDUltra.css modified:examples / styles / shCoreMidnight.css modified:examples / styles / shCoreRDark.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeAppleScript.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeDefault.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeDjango.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeEclipse.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeEmacs.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeFadeToGrey .css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeMDUltra.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeMidnight.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeRDark.css 修改:examples / styles / shThemeVisualStudio.css 修改:examples / styles / wrapping.png 修改:extras / EasyPeasyICS.php 修改:extras / class.html2text.php 修改:extras / htmlfilter.php 修改:extras / ntlm_sasl_client.php 修改: language / phpmailer.lang-ar.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-be.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-br.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang -ca.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-ch.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-cz.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-de.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-dk.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-el.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-eo.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-es.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-et.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-fa.php 修改:language / phpmailer .lang-fi.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-fo.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-fr.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-gl。 php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-he.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-hr.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-hu.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-it.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-ja.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-ka.php 修改:language / phpmailer .lang-lt.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-lv.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-nl.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-no。 php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-pl.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-pt.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-ro.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-ru.php 修改:language / phpmailer .lang-se.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-sk.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-sr.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-tr。 php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-uk.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-vi.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-zh.php 修改:language / phpmailer.lang-zh_cn.php 修改:test / bootstrap.php 修改:test / phpmailerLangTest.php 修改:test / phpmailerTest.php 修改: test / test_callback.php 修改:test / testbootstrap-dist.php 修改:travis.phpunit.xml.dist 没有更改添加到提交中(使用git add和/或git commit -a) [Michael @ d evserver PHPMailer] $ git diff README.md diff --git a / README.md b / README.md 旧模式100644 新模式100755 [Michael @ devserver PHPMailer ] $ git diff --cached README.md [Michael @ devserver PHPMailer] $ git diff HEAD README.md diff --git a / README.md b / README.md old模式100644 新模式100755 [Michael @ devserver PHPMailer] $ cd ../parsecsv [Michael @ devserver parsecsv] $ git status HEAD detached at 7e7aeba 没有为commit提交更改:(使用git add< file> ...更新将提交的内容)(使用git checkout - < file> ...丢弃工作目录中的更改) 修改:ChangeLog.txt 修改:License.txt 修改:README.md 修改:示例/ _books.csv modified:examples / basic.php 修改:examples / conditions.php 修改:examples / download.php 修改:examples / limit.php 修改:parsecsv.lib.php 没有更改添加到提交(使用git add和/或git commit -a) [Michael @ devserver parsecsv] $ git diff ChangeLog .txt diff --git a / ChangeLog.txt b / ChangeLog.txt 旧模式100644 新模式100755 [Michael @ devserver parsecsv] $ git diff --cached ChangeLog.txt [Michael @ devserver parsecsv] $ git diff HEAD ChangeLog.txt diff --git a / ChangeLog.txt b / ChangeLog.txt 旧模式100644 new模式100755 [Michael @ devserver parsecsv] $ 解决方案 如何确定哪些文件在这些目录中被修改,以及发生了什么变化? 您可以简单地进入其中一个子模块文件夹并执行一个状态: cd application / classes_3rd / PHPMailer git status I just added some changes to my git repository. All is good except it shows changes to .gitmodules, and shows changes not staged for commit in two module directories. As far as I know, I did not make any changes to .gitmodules or these two directories. How do I determine which files were modified in these directories, and what was changed?[Michael@devserver maindir]$ git add .[Michael@devserver maindir]$ git statusOn branch masterYour branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 5 commits. (use "git push" to publish your local commits)Changes to be committed: (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage) modified: .gitmodules A BUNCH OF OTHER FILES WHICH I CHANGEDChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) (commit or discard the untracked or modified content in submodules) modified: application/classes_3rd/PHPMailer (modified content) modified: application/classes_3rd/parsecsv (modified content)[Michael@devserver maindir]$ cat .gitmodules[submodule "application/classes_3rd/PHPMailer"] path = application/classes_3rd/PHPMailer url = https://github.com/Synchro/PHPMailer.git[submodule "application/classes_3rd/parsecsv"] path = application/classes_3rd/parsecsv url = https://github.com/parsecsv/parsecsv-for-php.git[Michael@devserver maindir]$EDIT. Per VonC's answer...[Michael@devserver maindir]$ cd application/classes_3rd/PHPMailer[Michael@devserver PHPMailer]$ git statusHEAD detached at 245381cChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: .gitignore modified: .scrutinizer.yml modified: .travis.yml modified: LICENSE modified: PHPMailerAutoload.php modified: README.md modified: changelog.md modified: class.phpmailer.php modified: class.pop3.php modified: class.smtp.php modified: composer.json modified: docs/Callback_function_notes.txt modified: docs/DomainKeys_notes.txt modified: docs/Note_for_SMTP_debugging.txt modified: docs/extending.html modified: docs/faq.html modified: docs/pop3_article.txt modified: examples/LGPLv3.txt modified: examples/code_generator.phps modified: examples/contents.html modified: examples/exceptions.phps modified: examples/gmail.phps modified: examples/images/phpmailer.png modified: examples/images/phpmailer_mini.png modified: examples/index.html modified: examples/mail.phps modified: examples/mailing_list.phps modified: examples/pop_before_smtp.phps modified: examples/scripts/shAutoloader.js modified: examples/scripts/shBrushPhp.js modified: examples/scripts/shCore.js modified: examples/scripts/shLegacy.js modified: examples/sendmail.phps modified: examples/smtp.phps modified: examples/smtp_no_auth.phps modified: examples/styles/shCore.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreDefault.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreDjango.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreEclipse.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreEmacs.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreFadeToGrey.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreMDUltra.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreMidnight.css modified: examples/styles/shCoreRDark.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeAppleScript.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeDefault.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeDjango.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeEclipse.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeEmacs.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeFadeToGrey.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeMDUltra.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeMidnight.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeRDark.css modified: examples/styles/shThemeVisualStudio.css modified: examples/styles/wrapping.png modified: extras/EasyPeasyICS.php modified: extras/class.html2text.php modified: extras/htmlfilter.php modified: extras/ntlm_sasl_client.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ar.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-be.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-br.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ca.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ch.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-cz.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-de.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-dk.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-el.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-eo.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-es.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-et.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-fa.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-fi.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-fo.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-fr.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-gl.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-he.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-hr.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-hu.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-it.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ja.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ka.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-lt.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-lv.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-nl.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-no.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-pl.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-pt.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ro.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-ru.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-se.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-sk.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-sr.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-tr.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-uk.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-vi.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-zh.php modified: language/phpmailer.lang-zh_cn.php modified: test/bootstrap.php modified: test/phpmailerLangTest.php modified: test/phpmailerTest.php modified: test/test_callback.php modified: test/testbootstrap-dist.php modified: travis.phpunit.xml.distno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")[Michael@devserver PHPMailer]$ git diff README.mddiff --git a/README.md b/README.mdold mode 100644new mode 100755[Michael@devserver PHPMailer]$ git diff --cached README.md[Michael@devserver PHPMailer]$ git diff HEAD README.mddiff --git a/README.md b/README.mdold mode 100644new mode 100755[Michael@devserver PHPMailer]$ cd ../parsecsv[Michael@devserver parsecsv]$ git statusHEAD detached at 7e7aebaChanges not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory) modified: ChangeLog.txt modified: License.txt modified: README.md modified: examples/_books.csv modified: examples/basic.php modified: examples/conditions.php modified: examples/download.php modified: examples/limit.php modified: parsecsv.lib.phpno changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")[Michael@devserver parsecsv]$ git diff ChangeLog.txtdiff --git a/ChangeLog.txt b/ChangeLog.txtold mode 100644new mode 100755[Michael@devserver parsecsv]$ git diff --cached ChangeLog.txt[Michael@devserver parsecsv]$ git diff HEAD ChangeLog.txtdiff --git a/ChangeLog.txt b/ChangeLog.txtold mode 100644new mode 100755[Michael@devserver parsecsv]$ 解决方案 How do I determine which files were modified in these directories, and what was changed?You can simply go within one of those submodule folders and do a status:cd application/classes_3rd/PHPMailergit status 这篇关于验证git模块中的更改的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 10-30 02:23