

此问题中指出的时间将文件流与sql server 2008一起使用时,数据必须存储在本地.这意味着我不能使用

As pointed out in this question when using filestream with sql server 2008 the data must be stored locally.This means that I cannot use



for Filestream filegroup path.

因此,如果我需要使用filesrteam并拥有大量数据,那么购买大型硬盘驱动器是否是唯一的解决方案(在许多情况下这可能是相当有限的)?无法使用NAS?通常,将SQL Server安装在穿孔机上,但将大文档保留在NAS或任何文件服务器中.使用文件流是不可能的,那怎么办呢?

So if I need to use filesrteam and have lots of data, is buying a very large hard drive the only solution (this could be quite limiting in many scenarios)? It is not possible to use a NAS? Typically one installs SQL Server on a perofrming machine but keeps the large documents in a NAS or anyway on some fileserver. With filestream this is not possible, so how to do it?



Note that you can partition your FILESTREAM table to distribute the FILESTREAM data across multiple disks.

关于NAS,请参见Bob Beauchemin撰写的文章他说:请注意,文件组必须指向本地文件系统位置;除非通过iSCSI将NAS设备显示为本地NFS卷,否则文件流不能驻留在远程服务器或网络可寻址存储(NAS)设备上. "

Regarding NAS, see this article by Bob Beauchemin where he says "Note that the filegroup needs to point to a local file system location; filestreams can't live on a remote server or a network addressable storage (NAS) devices unless the NAS device is presented as a local NFS volume via iSCSI."

它表示如果NAS设备通过iSCSI作为本地卷显示,则可用于存储FILESTREAM数据. (不过我还没有尝试过)

It indicates that if the NAS device is presented as a local volume via iSCSI, it can be used to store FILESTREAM data. (I have not tried this though)


10-11 12:53