我正在使用angular2.我尝试在URL下方集成Razorpay[ https://docs.razorpay.com/docs/checkout-form][1 ]
I'm using angular 2. I've tried below URL's to integrate Razorpay[https://docs.razorpay.com/docs/checkout-form][1]
When i follow this URL, i got these errors likeIn my '.ts' file code
var options = { "key": "YOUR_KEY_ID", "amount": "2000", // 2000 paise = INR 20 "name": "Merchant Name", "description": "Purchase Description", "image": "/your_logo.png", "handler": function (response){ alert(response.razorpay_payment_id); }, "prefill": { "name": "Harshil Mathur", "email": "[email protected]" }, "notes": { "address": "Hello World" }, "theme": { "color": "#F37254" } }; var rzp1 = new Razorpay(options); document.getElementById('rzp-button1').onclick = function(e){ rzp1.open(); e.preventDefault(); }
Ok am a little late to the party , but i was stuck in same problem.
Razorpay is undefined because its defined on window object, so you need something like window.Razorpay
正如@Pradeep在评论中所说的,声明var Razorpay:any,这也不行
And as @Pradeep said in comment declare var Razorpay:any , no this won't work either
和@Rajesh Keerthi In '.ts' file we can't access '.js' file so, 'checkout.js' included in html file一样,您不能将脚本标签放置在angular 2组件html中,因为进行了消毒ref 此
And @Rajesh Keerthi In '.ts' file we can't access '.js' file so, 'checkout.js' included in html file you can't put script tags in angular 2 components html , because of sanitization ref this
Now coming to solution, how to do it.First put
<script src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js"></script>
at index.htmlNow you have Razorpay object on window , but how to access it in .ts file ?Follow this link and create a WindowRef service and inject it in provider as article says, then in yourMyComponent.ts file put
import { WindowRef } from './WindowRef'; @Component({...}) class MyComponent { constructor(private winRef: WindowRef) { } rzp1:any; options = { "key": "rzp_test_HTQz79bVMhpN4L", "amount": "2000", "name": "Merchant Name", .... ..... }; public initPay():void { this.rzp1 = new this.winRef.nativeWindow.Razorpay(this.options); this.rzp1.open(); } }
And MyComponent.html will have
<button id="rzp-button1" (click)="initPay();">Pay</button>
And Voila!! you have razorpay integrated
Even if you are trying out some other payment gateways like paytm or so, this approach will help
这篇关于如何在Angular 2中集成Razorpay?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!