


I'm doing very frequent searches in arrays of objects and have been using jQuery.inArray(). However, I'm having speed and memory issues and one of the most called methods according to my profiler is jQuery.inArray(). What's the word on the street about its performance? Should I switch to a simple for loop?


function findPoint(point, list)
  var l = list.map(function anonMapToId(p) { return p.id });
  var found = jQuery.inArray(point.id, l);
  return found;

也许 list.map()更怪?


好内部 inArray 做一个简单的循环,我会建议你检查是否有本地<$c$c>Array.prototype.indexOf实施和使用它来代替 inArray 的(如果可用):

Well internally inArray makes a simple loop, I would recommend you to check if there is a native Array.prototype.indexOf implementation and use it instead of inArray if available:

function findPoint(point, list) {
  var l = list.map(function anonMapToId(p) { return p.id });
  var found = ('indexOf' in Array.prototype) ? l.indexOf(point.id)
                                             : jQuery.inArray(point.id, l);
  return found;

Array.prototype.indexOf 方法在实现JavaScript的浏览器1.6已经出台,这将是ECMAScript的5个标准的组成部分。

The Array.prototype.indexOf method has been introduced in browsers that implement JavaScript 1.6, and it will be part of the ECMAScript 5 standard.


Native implementations are way faster than non native ones.


09-27 00:41