

我想在 redis 中存储哈希数组,最好的编码方式是什么?

I want to store array of hashes in redis , what is best way to code it ?


AFAIK 的唯一方法是取消引用它们.假设您有一个包含 2 个哈希的数组,例如:{foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux'}.

The only way AFAIK is to de-reference them. Say you have an array of 2 hashes like: {foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux'}.

您可以单独存储它们,然后创建一个引用它们的 SET:

You'd store them separately, and then create a SET that references them all:

HMSET myarr:0 foo bar baz qux
SADD myarr myarr:0
HMSET myarr:1 foo bar baz qux
SADD myarr myarr:1

然后你可以通过查询集合来检索它们:SMEMBERS myarr 然后在所有返回的键上调用 HGETALL 来重建你的原始哈希数组.

Then you can retrieve them all by querying the set: SMEMBERS myarr and then call HGETALL <key> on all the returned keys to rebuild your original array of hashes.


I hope this makes sense. And if you find a smarter way I'd be happy to hear it.


07-03 13:02