




This is a new question which arose out of this question


Due to answers, the nature of the question changed, so I think posting a new one is ok(?).


You can see my original DB design below. I have 3 tables, and now I need a query to get all the records for a specific user for running_balances calculations.

  • 交易在用户之间进行,就像互信一样。这样,单位就可以在用户之间交换。

  • 库存化是带入系统的物理物料。

  • 消费是消耗的物理物品;用户必须为此支付单位。

|  type     |  transactions       |  inventarizations  |  consumations     |
|  columns  |  date               |  date              |  date             |
|           |  creditor(FK user)  |  creditor(FK user) |                   |
|           |  debitor(FK user)   |                    |  debitor(FK user) |
|           |  service(FK service)|                    |                   |
|           |                     |  asset(FK asset)   |  asset(FK asset)  |
|           |  amount             |  amount            |  amount           |
|           |                     |                    |  price            |


(Note that 'amount' is in different units;these are the entries and calculations are made on those amounts. Outside the scope to explain why, but these are the fields).

问题是:可以/应该在一个表中还是多个表中(就目前而言)? 我喜欢3表解决方案,因为它在语义上更有意义。但是随后,我需要running_balances这样复杂的select语句(可能会对性能产生负面影响)。上面链接中的原始问题要求此语句,在这里我要问数据库设计是否合适(抱歉,四次重复发布,希望可以)。

The question is: "Can/should this be in one table or be multiple tables (as I have it for now)?" I like the 3 tables solution because it makes semantically more sense. But then I need such a complicated select statement (with possibly negative performance results) for the running_balances. The original question in the link above asked for this statement, here I am asking if the db design is appropriate (apologies four double posting, hope it's ok).



This same question arises when you try to implement a general ledger system for single entry bookkeeping. What you have called "transactions" corresponds to "transfers", like from savings to checking. What you have called "inventarizations" corresponds to "income", like depositing a paycheck. What you have called "consumations" corresponds to "expenses", like when you pay the electric bill. The only difference is that in bookkeeping, everything has been reduced to dollar (or other currency) value. So you don't have to worry about identifying assets, because one dollar is as good as another.


So the question arises whether you need to have separate columns for "debit amount" and "credit amount" or alternatively, whether you can just have one column for "amount", and enter a positive number for debits and a negative amount for credits. Essentially the same question arises if you are implementing double entry bookkeeping rather than single entry bookkeeping.


In terms of internal arithmetic and internal data handling, things are far simpler when you adopt the single column approach. For example, to test whether a given transaction is in balance, all you have to do ask whether sum (amount) is equal to zero.


The complications arise when people require the traditional bookeeping format for data entry forms, on screen retrievals, and published reports. The traditional format requires two separate columns, marked "Debit" and "Credit", which contain only positive numbers or blank, with the constraint that every item must have an entry in either debit or credit but not both, and the other column must be left blank. These transformations require a certain amount of programming between the external format and the internal format.


It's really a matter of choice. Is it better to retain the traditional bookkeeping format of side by side debit and credit coulmns, or is it better to move forward to a format that uses negative numbers in a meaningful way? There are some circumstances that favor each of these design choices.


In your case, it's going to depend on how you intend to use the data. I would build prototypes with each of the two designs, and then start working on the fundamental CRUD processing for each. Whichever one works out easier in your environment is the one to choose.


07-03 12:37