


我在域client-domain.com上有一个客户端应用程序,在域server-domain.com上有一个服务器端应用程序.服务器端有一个API.客户端应用程序将AJAX请求发送到服务器端应用程序.我使用基于令牌的身份验证,因此客户端应用程序会在每个AJAX请求的标头中发送令牌,例如:授权:承载{some token}".当我需要获取或发布一些数据时,它可以很好地处理AJAX请求.

I have a client-side application on domain client-domain.com and a server-side application on domain server-domain.com. There is an API on the server-side. The client-side application sends AJAX requests to the server-side application. I use token-based authentication, so the client-side application sends token in headers with each AJAX request, for example: "Authorization: Bearer {some token}". It works fine with AJAX requests, when I need to get or post some data.

但是服务器端API也保留文件.例如图像.这些文件是私人文件,只有经过身份验证的用户才能获取它们.我需要在客户端的<img>标签中显示此图像.我无法使用<img src="http://server-domain.com/path/to/image">来获取它们,因为在这种情况下,浏览器不会将Authorization标头发送到服务器端.

But the server-side API also keeps files. For example images. The files are private, only authenticated users can get them. And I need to show this images on the client-side in <img> tag. I can't get them using <img src="http://server-domain.com/path/to/image"> because in this case browser will not send Authorization header to the server-side.


What is the adopted solution? How client applications load images from server-side API?



There are three methods to solve it, the best approach to solve it is using the signed URLs

  1. 第一种方法只是使用签名哈希参数创建一个无需身份验证(匿名访问)的路由,该哈希参数指示是否可以加载资源.
<img src="http://server-domain.com/path/to/image?guid=f6fc84c9f21c24907d6bee6eec38cabab5fa9a7be8c4a7827fe9e56f2">


When the server receives the request you must validate the guid if the expiration time not been reached and, of course, check if guid is a valid signature.


This approach is used by several files/documents servers like Dropbox, S3, CDN providers, etc.


See the technique in some companies.

https ://client.cdn77.com/support/knowledgebase/cdn-resource/how-do-i-set-up-signed-urls

  1. 第二种方法是通过带有图像URL的querystring传递令牌.

  1. The second method is passed the token by querystring with the image URL.

  • 建议不要使用此方法,因为清楚地公开URL,并且许多服务器有时会编写和公开所访问URL的公共日志.不好的通知是,JWT通常向用户公开,用户可以进一步控制许多功能来进一步加载图像.
<img src="http://server-domain.com/path/to/image?jwt=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.SflKxwRJSMeKKF2QT4fwpMeJf36POk6yJV_adQssw5c">


When the server receives the request you must validate the token by querystring and response with the content.

  1. 第三个方法创建一个经过身份验证的cookie,以验证对图像的访问.

  1. The third method creates an authenticated cookie to validate the access of the image.

  • 不推荐使用此方法,因为该方法超出了API模式(通常基于基于webapi/令牌的身份验证).


When the server receives the request you need to validate if the validate cookie is valid.



09-06 17:31