

如何在Xamarin Forms中直观地布局和创建表单.就像您在VS和其他IDE中在WPF,WinForms等...中所做的一样.我是否总是需要对XAML进行手动干扰?似乎很荒谬.

How in Xamarin Forms, can I visually layout and create a form. Like you do in WPF , WinForms etc.. etc... in VS and everyother IDE. Do I alway have to hand-jam the XAML? Seems so absurd.


thanks in advance and have a great coding day


没有Visual Designer,它具有拖放功能.您必须使用XAML或C#对所有视图进行编码. (最好是XAML).

There is no Visual Designer, that has drag and drop functionality. You must code all views in either XAML or C#. (Preferably XAML).


The options you do have, is to view the XAML you are creating in real time, after you have typed it.

  • Xamarin Previewer (仍处于预览状态,内置进入Xamarin)
  • Xamarin检查器(如果您有Visual Studio Enterprise)
  • UI侦探(例如Xamarin Inspector,更适合Xamarin表单,并且免费)
  • Gorilla Player (实际上是在真实设备或模拟器上运行,但您不必继续编译应用程序即可查看更改.)
  • Xamarin Previewer (still in preview, built in to Xamarin)
  • Xamarin Inspector (if you have Visual Studio Enterprise)
  • UI Sleuth (Like Xamarin Inspector, more geared towards Xamarin Forms, and free)
  • Gorilla Player (works by actually running on a real device or simulator, but you don't have to keep compiling your app to see changes).


Give it a few weeks of writing XAML and it gets much easier.


09-03 03:50