


I'm trying to test one particular element of user interface. To do so I need particular request to my backend to respond with predefined data, but all other requests should pass through. Here's how I do it (coffee for more readability):

describe 'select2 combobox widget', ()->
  httpBackendMock = () ->
     angular.module 'httpBackendMock', ['ngMockE2E', 'fmAppApp']
        .run ($httpBackend)->
            dummyCategories = [
               {id: 1, name: 'foo', icon: '', user_id: 5},
               {id: 2, name: 'bar', icon: '', user_id: 5},
               {id: 3, name: 'baz', icon: '', user_id: 5},
               {id: 4, name: 'quax', icon: '', user_id: 5}

            $httpBackend.whenGET '/api/categories'
                .respond ()->
                    [200, dummyCategories]
            $httpBackend.whenGET /.*/
            $httpBackend.whenGET /^\/views\//
            $httpBackend.whenGET /^\/scripts\/.*/
            $httpBackend.whenGET /^\/scripts\//
            $httpBackend.whenGET /^\/bower_components\//

     .addMockModule 'httpBackendMock', httpBackendMock

所以基本上我做什么,这里是我的应用程序模块之上 fmAppApp 和角创建新的模块 ngMockE2E 和告诉量角器一下。

so basically what I do here is create new module on top of my application module fmAppApp and angular ngMockE2E and tell Protractor about it.


And for the sake of completeness I'll show here one simple statement inside this describe block:

it 'should allow user to type in anything', ()->
    browser.get 'http://localhost:9000/#/'
    element By.model 'category.selected'
    input = element By.css '.ui-select-search'
    input.sendKeys 'newtestcategory'
    expect input.getAttribute('value')
        .toBe 'newtestcategory'

当我运行繁重的量角器它会打开浏览器,导航到指定的网址(的http://本地主机:9000 /#/ ),因为它应该,然后我看到空白页及规格与此错误失败:

when I run grunt protractor it opens browser, navigates to specified url (http://localhost:9000/#/) as it should and then I see blank page and spec failures with this error:NoSuchElementError: No element found using locator: by.model("category.selected")


Unfortunately this message is all I have since I can't open firebug and see what went wrong for obvious reasons. I guess I could redirect logging from browser console somehow and see what is root of evil here but I don't know how. Maybe someone encountered that as well and knows what it might be?Update:I did as Cétia below suggested and I got this message in logs:

消息:HTTP://本地主机:9000 / bower_components /角/ angular.js 11607:24错误:意外的请求:POST / API /登录

现在这是为什么?我要补充API /登录到直通()?

Now why is that? Should I add 'api/login' to passThrough() ?



It seems I didn't provide sufficient information. I left out some code that I thought was irrelevant with intent to not overwhelm you, but as it turned out it was a stumbling block.

browser.get 'http://localhost:9000/#/'
element By.model 'email'
  .sendKeys 'dima@mail'
element By.model 'password'
  .sendKeys '123456'
element By.cssContainingText 'form[name=login] button', 'Войти'


This code is responsible for logging user in, I need it here because unauthorized users aren't allowed to see the view I wanted to test.I thought I made sure all requests make it through, but of course I forgot that my login request is a POST request. So problem was solved simply by adding

$httpBackend.whenPOST /.*/


08-07 09:11