


I have a template in which the DOM is changed, and I would like to rerender the template when saving to database. Before Blaze, Meteor would have rerendered the whole template if there was a reactive variable somewhere in the template, but now how can I do this ?


I have a collection of clips set up in an Iron router route :

ClipsController = RouteController.extend({
    data: function() {
      clips = Clips.find({}, {sort: {created: 1}});
      return {clips: clips};


<template name="clips">
  {{#each clips}}
    {{> clip}}

然后,我有一个 clip 模板:

<template name="clip">
  <article class="clip" id="{{_id}}">
    <ul class="tags">
      {{#each tags}}
        <li><a href="/#{{this}}">#{{this}}</a></li>

以及该模板的脚本,该脚本可更改DOM,然后保存 clip :

And a script for this template which changes the DOM and then saves the clip :

  'click .edit': function(event, template) {
    template.$('.tags li').each(function() {
      $(this).text($(this).text().replace(/^#(.*)/, "$1"));

  'click .save': function(event, template) {
    var data = {

    Clips.update({_id: this._id}, data);

    // How to rerender the template ?



I don't believe that Blaze provides any way to rerender the entire template as the point of Blaze is to have fine grained updates.


A quick and dirty way to achieve this might be to use Session, a template helper, and an {{#unless}} block that wraps the whole template and then just set the Session key to true before the update and false after causing everything in the {{#unless}} block to rerender.

Template.clips.noRender = function(){
  return Session.get("noRender");

  'click .edit': function(event, template) {
    template.$('.tags li').each(function() {
      $(this).text($(this).text().replace(/^#(.*)/, "$1"));

  'click .save': function(event, template) {
    var data = {

    Session.set("noRender", true);

    Clips.update({_id: this._id}, data, function(){
      Session.set("noRender", false);

    // How to rerender the template ?

<template name="clips">
  {{#unless noRender}}
    {{#each clips}}
      {{> clip}}


09-01 23:12