


I am following www.angular-meteor.com tutorial on a windows computer.


But when I run meteor in console I only see:

除了一个空白的屏幕社交 ...

A blank screen besides socially...


So it seems like some angular packages does not work with Meteor 1.3.1.


accounts-password               1.1.7  Password support for accounts
angular                         1.3.9_2  Everything you need to use Angu...
angularui:angular-google-maps   2.3.2  angular-google-maps (official)
angularui:angular-ui-bootstrap  0.13.0  Native AngularJS (Angular) direc...
angularui:angular-ui-router     0.2.15  angular-ui-router (official): Fl...
angularutils:pagination         0.9.1_2  Magical automatic pagination fo...
check                           1.1.3  Check whether a value matches a p...
dotansimha:accounts-ui-angular  0.0.4  AngularJS wrapper for Meteor's Ac...
email                           1.0.11  Send email messages
es5-shim                        4.5.9  Shims and polyfills to improve EC...
jquery                          1.11.7  Manipulate the DOM using CSS sel...
less                            2.5.7  Leaner CSS language
meteor-base                     1.0.3  Packages that every Meteor app needs
mobile-experience               1.0.3  Packages for a great mobile user ...
mongo                           1.1.6  Adaptor for using MongoDB and Min...
reactive-var                    1.0.8  Reactive variable
standard-minifier-css           1.0.5  Standard css minifier used with M...
standard-minifier-js            1.0.5  Standard javascript minifiers use...
tmeasday:publish-counts         0.7.3  Publish the count of a cursor, in...
tracker                         1.0.12  Dependency tracker to allow reac...
twbs:bootstrap                  3.3.6  The most popular front-end framew...

例如 angularui:角UI路由器好像不工作。但它与工作流星1.2 版本。

For example angularui:angular-ui-router seems not be working. But it works with meteor 1.2 version.


Is there someone out there that have the same problem? Maybe a solution as well?Best Regards


删除 dotansimha:帐户的UI角导致,我可以看到的地图和搜索框。但应用程序仍然是断开的。否双方显示,分页不起作用等等......任何想法如何解决这个问题?

Removing dotansimha:accounts-ui-angular resulted in that I can see the map and search box. But The app is still broken. No parties are shown, pagination does not work and so on... Any ideas how to fix it?




accounts-password               1.1.7  Password support for accounts
angular-meteor-auth             1.0.1  Angular-Meteor authentication module
angular-templates               1.0.2  Compile angular templates into th...
angular:angular                 1.5.3_1  AngularJS (official) release. F...
angularui:angular-google-maps   2.3.2  angular-google-maps (official)
angularui:angular-ui-bootstrap  0.13.0  Native AngularJS (Angular) direc...
angularui:angular-ui-router     0.2.15  angular-ui-router (official): Fl...
angularutils:pagination         0.9.1_2  Magical automatic pagination fo...
check                           1.1.3  Check whether a value matches a p...
dotansimha:accounts-ui-angular  0.0.4  AngularJS wrapper for Meteor's Ac...
email                           1.0.11  Send email messages
es5-shim                        4.5.9  Shims and polyfills to improve EC...
jquery                          1.11.7  Manipulate the DOM using CSS sel...
less                            2.5.7  Leaner CSS language
meteor-base                     1.0.3  Packages that every Meteor app needs
mobile-experience               1.0.3  Packages for a great mobile user ...
modules                         0.5.2  CommonJS module system
mongo                           1.1.6  Adaptor for using MongoDB and Min...
pbastowski:angular-babel        1.3.2  Babel compiler and ng-annotate fo...
reactive-var                    1.0.8  Reactive variable
standard-minifier-css           1.0.5  Standard css minifier used with M...
standard-minifier-js            1.0.5  Standard javascript minifiers use...
tmeasday:publish-counts         0.7.3  Publish the count of a cursor, in...
tracker                         1.0.12  Dependency tracker to allow reac...
twbs:bootstrap                  3.3.6  The most popular front-end framew...





  1. 删除您通过安装氛​​围的角度流星包:流星删除角

  2. 确保你已经安装了ECMAScript的包。如果你有大气角包安装previously你可能得到一个通知,多个编译器试图与扩展名为.js处理文件后,删除它。因此,请检查流星列表,如果ECMAScript是不是有做:流星添加的ECMAScript

  3. 通过NPM安装角与角流星:NPM安装角角流星--save

  4. 列表角流星作为主模块模块依赖:angular.module('对myApp',['角流星']);

  5. 流星删除的ECMAScript

  6. 流星添加模块(ECMAScript中暗示模块,所以你必须手动添加它,如果你删除ECMA)

  7. 流星添加pbastowski:角通天

请注意,我需要导入的角度在app.js(没有进口角从'角'; 进口'角流星';

Note that I do not need to import angular in app.js (no import angular from 'angular'; or import 'angular-meteor';)



Hope that helps if someone have the same problem:)


09-18 16:49