我已经尝试过对ext.js的XML进行更改,但是我不认为Magento具有该.js文件.我相信它是在1.5中实现的,因此无济于事.这是关键……我的运行Firefox 11的朋友计算机昨晚在添加项目时运行良好.我已将浏览器升级到Firefox 11,但在办公室对我来说仍然无法使用.其他浏览器也没有.我试图禁用我的插件和扩展程序,但这并不能解决问题.我还清除了所有可能的缓存(网站,服务器,浏览器等)有人可以帮忙吗,这样我可以在客户打电话时创建订单,而不会遇到此问题?我对这里的共同点一无所知.解决方案我想回答我提出的问题,以防有人碰到这个问题...我最近将prototype.js更改为最新版本,因此我的灯箱脚本可以与产品页面上的图像滑块一起在IE9中使用.新的Prototype.js解决了这些问题,但这就是导致后端问题的原因.后端在将图像添加到产品中以及在后端中以手动顺序添加项目时,使用了prototype.js框架.我遇到了两个问题.我所做的是还原了旧的prototype.js文件,该文件解决了无法在后端看到图像以及无法将其上传到产品页面以及无法添加产品的问题.到在管理面板中创建的手动订单.一旦我解决了这些问题,我就回到Lightbox脚本无法使用IE9的状态,再回到产品页面上的图像滑块,回到了第一个问题.我只是在.htaccess文件中放了一小段代码,以便在检测到任何IE浏览器的情况下让网站模拟IE8.我使用的代码... BrowserMatch MSIE best-standards-supportHeader set X-UA-Compatible IE=8 env=best-standards-support我希望这可以帮助遇到类似问题的任何人.I'm experiencing an issue where when I go to create an order within the Admin Panel of Magento ( I can start the order, select the customer, then select the language, it loads all information fine, but when I go to "Add Products I can open that up and select the products, but when I click "Add Selected Product(s) to Order" it shows the loading screen briefly (Please Wait) then it loads nothing.I can add the items from the wishlist over, or the last ordered items, but not new products from the "Add Products".I've read numerous threads about this in regards to Magento 1.5 but i'm on Magento is a link to a thread where it's briefly discussed. http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/230381/I've tried the changes to XML regarding the ext.js but I don't think Magento has that .js file. I believe it was implemented in 1.5 so that doesn't help.Here's the kicker... My friends computer which runs Firefox 11 worked fine last night when adding an item. I upgraded my browser to Firefox 11 but it still doesn't work for me here at the office. Nor does any other browser. I've tried to disable my plug-ins and extensions but that doesn't fix it. I've also cleared all Cache possible (website, server, browsers, etc.)Can someone please help so I can create an order while a customer is on the phone and not run into this problem? I'm lost on what the common denominator is here. 解决方案 I'd like to answer the question I asked in case anyone runs into this...I recently changed the prototype.js to the newest version so my Lightbox script would work in IE9 along with the image slider on product pages. The new Prototype.js fixed those issues, but that's what caused the issues in the backend. The backend uses the prototype.js framework for when adding images to a product and also adding items to a manual order in the backend.I was having both of those issues.What I did was restore the old prototype.js file which cured the issues of not being able to see images in the back end along with not being able to upload them to a product page, along with not being able to add products to a manual order that is created in the admin panel.Once I fixed those issues, I was back to square one with the Lightbox script not working for IE9 along with the image slider on product pages. I simply put a short bit of code in the .htaccess file to have the website emulate IE8 if any IE browser was detected.The code i used...BrowserMatch MSIE best-standards-supportHeader set X-UA-Compatible IE=8 env=best-standards-supportI hope this helps anyone out there with similar issues. 这篇关于Magento-无法在管理面板的后端将产品添加到手动订单中的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-21 01:41