有可能吗?还是两个版本之间存在兼容性问题?因为我们公司使用的是Visual Studio(VS2005)的过时版本,所以我想尝试Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013,以便在没有项目要做的情况下进行学习. (三个更新版本中的任何一个都可以),但我不知道它是否会影响当前安装的Visual Studio 2005的数据.
Is it possible? or there is a compatibility issues between the two versions? Because our company is using an outdated version of visual studio (VS2005) and I wanted to try out Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013 for the purpose of learning while there is no project to do. (any of the three newer version is fine) but I don't know if it'll affect the datas of the currently installed visual studio 2005.
我是否仍可以安装新版本而不影响Visual Studio的旧版本?
Can I still install a newer version without affecting the older version of visual studio?
是的,您可以并排安装Visual Studio的多个版本.但是,请先安装较低版本的Visual Studio.
Yes you can install multiple versions of Visual studio side by side.But install the lower versions first.
So take care about backward compatibility.Refer this for more info.
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