


I have a spark dataframe with a column of short sentences, and a column with a categorical variable. I'd like to perform tf-idf on the sentences, one-hot-encoding on the categorical variable and then output it to a sparse matrix on my driver once it's much smaller in size (for a scikit-learn model).


What is the best way to get the data out of spark in sparse form? It seems like there is only a toArray() method on sparse vectors, which outputs numpy arrays. However, the docs do say that scipy sparse arrays can be used in the place of spark sparse arrays.


Keep in mind also that the tf_idf values are in fact a column of sparse arrays. Ideally it would be nice to get all these features into one large sparse matrix.



One possible solution can be expressed as follows:

  • 将特征转换为RDD并提取向量:

from pyspark.ml.linalg import SparseVector
from operator import attrgetter

df = sc.parallelize([
    (SparseVector(3, [0, 2], [1.0, 3.0]), ),
    (SparseVector(3, [1], [4.0]), )

features = df.rdd.map(attrgetter("features"))

  • 添加行索引:

  • add row indices:

    indexed_features = features.zipWithIndex()

  • 展平为元组(i, j, value)的RDD:

  • flatten to RDD of tuples (i, j, value):

    def explode(row):
        vec, i = row
        for j, v in zip(vec.indices, vec.values):
            yield i, j, v
    entries = indexed_features.flatMap(explode)

  • 收集并重塑:

  • collect and reshape:

    row_indices, col_indices, data = zip(*entries.collect())

  • 计算形状:

  • compute shape:

    shape = (

  • 创建稀疏矩阵:

  • create sparse matrix:

    from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
    mat = csr_matrix((data, (row_indices, col_indices)), shape=shape)

  • 快速健全性检查:

  • quick sanity check:



    matrix([[ 1.,  0.,  3.],
            [ 0.,  4.,  0.]])

  • 另一个:

    • features的每一行转换为矩阵:

    • convert each row of features to matrix:

    import numpy as np
    def as_matrix(vec):
        data, indices = vec.values, vec.indices
        shape = 1, vec.size
        return csr_matrix((data, indices, np.array([0, vec.values.size])), shape)
    mats = features.map(as_matrix)

  • 并用vstack减小:

    from scipy.sparse import vstack
    mat = mats.reduce(lambda x, y: vstack([x, y]))


    mat = vstack(mats.collect())

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    07-23 15:36