

我在 angular2 中订阅了路由器事件,当我对这些事件进行控制台时,我发现了一个 NavigationCancel 事件,其原因是 reason:" .好奇地想知道是什么导致 NavigationCancel 被触发的原因.

I have a subscription for router events in angular2, When I console the events, I find a NavigationCancel event with reason: "". Curious to know what all could be the reasons for a NavigationCancel to get triggered. Not only with an empty reason but in general.


NavigationCancel 会在您尝试导航到某个路线并且无法加载导航的路线子级(CanLoad保护)或路由本身无法激活(可以激活保护)

NavigationCancel will be triggered when you are trying to naviggate to a route and navigated route children can not be loaded (CanLoad guard) or route itself cannot be activated (CanActivate guard)

您可以在配置 RouterModule 时使用 {enableTracing:true} 来查看所有事件并进行进一步分析.

you may use {enableTracing : true} while configuring RouterModule to see all events, and analyze further.



07-09 00:26