

在对我的定价数据使用Weka GUI中的MLP所带来的看似出色的结果感到非常兴奋之后,我编写了一些Java,使用了具有相同参数的MLP.这是乐趣的开始,结果是完全不同的,我现在发现这似乎是由于四舍五入的缘故. GUI舍入为3 dp,我的Java代码舍入为5 dp.

After getting very excited by what seemed like excellent results from using the MLP within the Weka GUI on my pricing data, I've coded up a bit of Java that uses an MLP with the same parameters. Here is where the fun starts, the results are completely different, I've now found that this appears to be be due to rounding differences. The GUI rounds to 3 dp, my java code rounds to 5 dp.


I've looked through the manuals but I can't seem to find an option to force the GUI to use 5dp precision on the predicitions it outputs. Does anyone know how I can do this ?



Pentaho WEKA论坛说,GUI中的小数位数是固定的.但是,在将GUI的输出写入文件时,可以控制小数位数.

The Pentaho WEKA Forum says that the number of decimal places in the GUI is fixed. However, in writing the output from the GUI to a file, you can control the number of decimal places.


08-24 08:37