

我正在尝试使EF 4.1与存储库,UnitOfWork,将实体与EF分离以及进行验证有关.

I'm trying to get EF 4.1 working with Repository, UnitOfWork, separation of entities from EF and validation.


I followed this guide to get a nice separation of my POCO entities from the EF model and I'm now following this guide to implement validation (with IValidatableObject).


  • Contacts.Repository [引用EF和Contacts.Entities]:
    • Contacts.edmx
    • ContactsDbContext.cs
    • Contacts.Repository [references EF and Contacts.Entities]:
      • Contacts.edmx
      • ContactsDbContext.cs
      • Contact.cs(Contacts.Entities.Contact局部类)
      • Contact.cs(Contacts.Entities.Contact局部类)


      But I'm hitting a brick wall with the validation:

      1. 我无法向Contacts.Entities添加验证逻辑,因为这会导致对Contacts.Repository进行循环引用(contact.Validate(...)需要使用ContactsDbContext).因此,我创建了一个单独的Contacts.Validation项目.
      2. 但是,这意味着将Contact类分为部分类,以在Contacts.Entities和Contacts.Validation中定义Contact.该代码不再编译,因为您无法跨不同的程序集定义局部类.


      Anyone got any pointers for me here? I've posted the code below...



      namespace Contacts.Repository
        public partial class ContactsDbContext : DbContext
          public DbSet<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
          protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)
            items.Add("Context", this);
            return base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);



      namespace Contacts.Entities
          public partial class Contact
              public string Name { get; set; }


      Contacts.Validation.Contact.cs contains:

      namespace Contacts.Entities
        public partial class Contact : IValidatableObject
            public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
                ContactsDbContext contacts = (ContactsDbContext)validationContext.Items["Context"];
                //Check if Contact already exists with the same Name
                if (contacts.Any<Contact>(c => c.Name == this.Name))
                  yield return new ValidationResult("Contact 'Name' is already in use.", new string[] { "Name" });
                yield break;



      Technically you could introduce an interface with an explicit implementation like so:

      Contacts.Entities 程序集中:

      public interface IContactsDbContext
          IQueryable<Contact> Contacts { get; }
          // Not DbSet<Contact> because you don't want dependency on EF assembly
      public class Contact : IValidatableObject // No partial class anymore
          public string Name { get; set; }
          public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(
              ValidationContext validationContext)
              IContactsDbContext context =
                  validationContext.Items["Context"] as IContactsDbContext;
              if (context.Contacts.Any<Contact>(c => c.Name == this.Name))
                  yield return new ValidationResult(
                      "Contact 'Name' is already in use.", new string[] { "Name" });
              yield break;
          // IValidatableObject, ValidationResult and ValidationContext is in
          // System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll, so no dependency on EF

      Contacts.Repository 程序集中(引用 Contacts.Entities 程序集):

      In Contacts.Repository assembly (references Contacts.Entities assembly):

      public class ContactsDbContext : DbContext, IContactsDbContext
          public DbSet<Contact> Contacts { get; set; }
          IQueryable<Contact> IContactsDbContext.Contacts // explicit impl.
              get { return Contacts; } // works because DbSet is an IQueryable
          protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(
              DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)
              items.Add("Context", this);
              return base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);


      Contacts.Validation 程序集.


      However, I do not really like this solution. Your POCO has - through the Validate method - still a dependency on the repository, if interface or not. For a stronger separation of concerns I would probably prefer to have a separate Validation class which does perhaps also operations on the repo. Or if I would implement IValidatableObject I would probably only do validations which depend on model object properties alone (things like "production date must not be later than shipping date" and so on). Well, it's partially a matter of taste. The second example you have linked does not really care about separation of concerns, so you have somehow a conflict with the first example.


07-16 11:21