我的组织曾经有一个人写的应用程序使用Web服务和DCOM来远程控制Windows Media Encoder 9并向其发送脚本命令。 有没有人知道这是否仍然可以使用Expression Encoder 4,而
My organization used to have an application that someone wrote that used web services and DCOM to remotely control a Windows Media Encoder 9 and send script commands to it. Does anyone know if this is still possible with Expression Encoder 4, and if so how to do it?
Expression Encoder目前不支持此功能。您可以使用远程桌面在另一台计算机上运行编码器,或者您可以使用允许此操作的编码器SDK创建自定义应用程序,但不包括在内。
This isn't currently supported with Expression Encoder. You can use remote desktop to run encoder on another computer or you can create a custom application using the Encoder SDK that would allow this, but it isn't included.