

int[] buildCharFreqTable(string phrase){
    int[] tab = new int[Character.getNumericValue('z') - Character.getNumericValue('a') + 1];
    for (char c : phrase.toCharArray()) {
        int x = getCharNumber(c);
        if ( x != -1){
    return tab;


This is a function that counts how many times each characters appear in a phrase. But I don't understand the line

int[] tab = new int[Character.getNumericValue('z') - Character.getNumericValue('a') + 1];


What does this line do and why do we have to use

Character.getNumericValue('z') - Character.getNumericValue('a') + 1




This line is trying to create an array which has an index for each character 'a' to 'z'. Java, unlike unicode which java uses for other characters, actually encodes all variants of English letters using the same numbers. 'A' and 'a' both correspond to 10, 'B' and 'b' both correspond to 11 and so on. This means that to count each character in the English alphabet independent of case, we can create an array with one index per character and increment the value of the index corresponding to each character we see. The line

int[] tab = new int[Character.getNumericValue('z') - Character.getNumericValue('a') + 1];

创建一个新数组,其大小为 z的值-'a'的值+ 1 .在Java中,英文字符按字母顺序给出,因此'a'为10,'z'为35.这使得数组 35-10 + 1 的大小或26(即英文字母中的字母.这比创建简单的大小为26的数组更适合创建该数组.如果要在一行中计算字符"0"到"9"而不是"a"和"z",该怎么办?您可以简单地将"a"和"z"更改为"0"和"9",或将它们作为变量传递.

Creates a new array of size Value of 'z' - Value of 'a' + 1. In java, English characters are given alphabetically sequential numeric values, so 'a' is 10 and 'z' is 35. This makes the size of our array 35-10+1 or 26, the number of letters in the English alphabet. This is just a more adaptable way to creating that array than simply creating an array of size 26. What if you wanted to count the characters '0' through '9' in a line, instead of 'a' and 'z'? You could simply change the 'a' and 'z' to '0' and '9', or pass them as variables.


09-03 10:46