本文介绍了Linux Java包装器和安装程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个Java应用程序,我想针对所有平台发布它.我尝试了大多数安装程序和包装程序,例如install4j,launch4j,Excelsior JET和...

I have a java app that i want to release it for all of platforms. i tried most of installers and wrapper like install4j , launch4j , Excelsior JET and ...

我在Advanced Installer中找到了适用于Windows和Mac的最佳解决方案.它为Windows和Mac构建了一个本地启动器和安装程序.它还可以从自定义源下载jre并在不存在jre的情况下进行安装.

I found best solution for windows and mac in Advanced Installer. it build a native launcher and installer for windows and mac. also it can download jre from custom source and install it if jre not present.


so im looking for similar one for linux with this features:



. download jre if not present from custom source



看看 IzPack ,尤其是其功能.


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08-06 16:06