我已经通过了两个用于JavaScript&的模块加载器Angular JS 1 AMD,requireJS,Browserify,JSPM,Webpack,SystemJS,CommonJS.哪个是与angular 2一起使用的最佳模块装载器?
I have went through couple of module loaders for JavaScript & Angular JS 1 AMD, requireJS, Browserify, JSPM, Webpack, SystemJS, CommonJS. Which one is the best module loader to use with angular 2 ?
Just like in angularJs, it doesn't really matter which loader you want to use for angular2. Whatever worked fine for you in angularJs, will just work as fine in angular2. The same rules apply to all loaders considering speed and flexibility.
There is no need to be inclined to use SystemJs, just because angular2 uses it as an example in their quickstart.